
what is a natural disaster

A natural disaster is
Any severe weather condition that significantly puts civilians' health and safety at risk .

What is a tsunami and
what causes one to occur

Tsunamis are giant waves
that occur when a sudden displacement happens below or near the ocean floor such as a earthquake.


Where do tsunamis usually occur?

Tsunamis usually take
place in the pacific ocean
and its marginal seas

When do tsunamis occur?

Tsunamis can happen at any time or any day and can travel up rivers and streams . But when
there are big winds and a high tide they
most often occur in the summer.

Who is affected when tsunamis strike?

The immediate resalt of a tsunami is the destruction of life and property although tsunamis also create a health risk to everyone .

What technology is used in detecting tsunamis?

Buoys are one of two types of instrument used by the Bureau of Meteorology to make sure of the existence of tsunami waves generated by undersea earthquakes. The buoys watch and record the changes in sea level in the deep ocean. And alert people we use amber alerts .

What technology is used for mitigating the negative impacts of tsunamis?

in the 2018-2023 NTHMP/National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program Strategic Plan, that were carefully going to advanced the NTHMP mission to mitigate the impact of tsunamis through public education such as community response planning, hazard assessment, and warning coordination

How does heat energy play a role in tsunamis?

The release of heat energy propagates a wave that reaches the shore; the wave increases in height as the seafloor gets more shallow.

What was the biggest/worst tsunami in recorded history?

The tsunami with the highest runup was the 1958 Lituya Bay megatsunami, which had a height of 524 m (1,719 ft)

What were the environmental impacts of this event?

The environmental impacts of tsunamis are, Disease Tsunami waves plus the receding water destroy structures in the run-up zone.Death is One of the worst and greatest effects of a tsunami is death because escaping a tsunami is almost impossible.






When do tsunamis occur in year? - EarthProfessor

Where do tsunamis Most occur? – MassInitiative

Who is affected - Tsunami Help Centre (weebly.com)

What technology is used to prevent tsunamis? – ProfoundQa
Mitigation | NOAA Tsunami


The Role of Tsunamis in the Flood • New Creation Blog

List of tsunamis - Wikipedia
SEEPS: Social, Environmental, Economic, Political, Scientific
Choose ONE only!

13 Main Effects Of Tsunami On The Environment (riddlelife.com)
