Unesco Project
Historic Quebec City
- Dauphine Redoubt
- Citadel
- Chateau Frontenac
- Plains of Abraham
Upper town built on cliff
Nearly half of the buildings built
built before 1850
Nearby Cities:
- Modern Quebec City
- Sainte-Foy
Is one of major stages in European
settlement of colonization in North America for the Europeans
Historic Quebec City

Red Bay Basque Whaling Station
Became major source of whale oil - got shipped to Europe where its used for lighting
Most complete & best preserved testimony of European whaling tradition.
Has remains of rendering ovens, cooperages, wharves, living quaters, cementery
Located in Newfoundland Labrador
Nearby cities are
- Lodge Bay
- Henley Harbour
- Pinware
Red Bay Basque Whaling Station Map

Landscape of Grand Pre
Located in southern Minas Basin
of Nova Scotia
Tourist Attractions:
- Dykelands
- Fields (farmlands)
- Settlement on hills first
established by Acadians in 1680's
Landscape is example of adaption of first European
settlers to conditions of North America coast
large farmland region
Nearby Cities:
- Wolfville
- Windsor
Landscape of Grand Pre Map