Women's Rights In Canada 1914-Present


The year of 1988

Canada made abortion legal in all cases, no matter the trimester. In previous times the law stated that abortions had to be medically necessary.

Person's Case

October 18th, 1929

British Coucil agrees that women are "persons" and made it possible for women to sit in senate. This decision would have been made without the Famous Five a group of five women's rights activists.

Armour, M., & Stanton, P. (n.d.). Timeline of Canadian Womens History. Retrieved from https://people.stfx.ca/nforeste/308website/womenshistorytimeline.html
Marshall, T., & Cruikshank, D. A. (2006, February 7). Person's Case. Retrieved from https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/persons-case

Divorce Rights

Women could now request a divorce on the same grounds a man could; adultery! This was a small but very important step for young women all over the country.

Armour, M., & Stanton, P. (n.d.). Timeline of Canadian Womens History. Retrieved from https://people.stfx.ca/nforeste/308website/womenshistorytimeline.html

Equal Pay Legislation

Equal pay act guaranteed women the same pay as men when they were doing the same work. This protected women from being paid less than what the job should have demanded, and was a significant part of protecting women's rights.

Heritage, C. (2017, October 25). Government of Canada. Retrieved from https://www.canada.ca/en/canadian-heritage/services/rights-women.html