Kategorien: Alle - nucleus - clouds - hydrogen

von Eric Xu Vor 4 Jahren



Interstellar clouds are regions within galaxies that contain higher concentrations of gas, plasma, and dust compared to the surrounding space. These clouds, part of the interstellar medium, vary in density, size, and temperature, which determines the state of their hydrogen—


12U Earth & Space Unit 2

Effects of space on humans

Without an atmosphere for protection the body is exposed to high amount of solar radiation, which can lead to tissue breakdown and lower immunity.
Bones and muscle
Without gravity, bones are no longer needed to support your body. As a result, you may lose 1.5% of bone tissue per month of being in microgravity. Muscles begin to weaken also due to the lack of forces against them
Lack of gravity
Casuing you to have motion sickness
Solar Radiation
The intense solar radiation would cause a massive sunburn effect. Skin would burn in seconds.
Blood and Body Fluids
Body fluids may be boiled(vaporized) due to vacuum. Your body might be expanded to twice its size due to this effect.
Body Temperature
Although it is cold in space, it would take some time before your body cooled. In some cases of prolonged exposure, frost can occur on limbs
Gas Exchange (Breathing)
Due to the lack of presure, gases (such as O2) would quickly be used up. After 9 to 12 seconds you would pass out.

Benefits of Space Exploration

Many of the inventions due to space exploration that would benefit us in our daily life.
Water Filters
Cordless Tools
Safety Grooving
Adjustable Fire Detector
Long Distance Telecommunications
Shoe Insoles
Ear Thermometer
Memory foam
Scratch resistant lenses
Invisable braces

Relationship between our solar system and The Milky Way

Our Earth orbits the Sun in our Solar System. Our Sun is one star among the billions in the Milky Way Galaxy. Our Milky Way Galaxy is one among the billions of galaxies in our Universe.

Interaction between star, planets and satellites

Eclipses are named for the object that is darkened (as viewed from Earth)
solar eclipses

A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon is between the Earth and Sun. When the Moon’s shadow covers part of the Earth, it only happens at New Moon and observers in the “umbra” see a total eclipse(corona is visible).Those in the “penumbra” see a partial eclipse

A solar eclipse casts a shadow on the Earth. The umbra is the darkest part of the shadow, the penumbra is the lighter part.

Partial eclipses are much more common than total eclipses.

Total eclipses occur at the umbra. At the point of totality, the sun’s corona is visible.

Lunar eclipses

Lunar eclipses occur when the Earth casts a shadow on the Moon.

Lunar eclipses are much more common than solar eclipses occurring approximately twice per year.

Moon appear Red During Total Lunar Eclipse

A total lunar eclipse can only occur during Full Moon, when Earth blocks the Sunlight normally reflected by the Moon. As light passes through Earth’s atmosphere,short wavelength, like blue, are scattered. Only the long-wavelength radiation, red light, are bent through Earth's atmosphere and caused the reddish colour of the Moon.

Formation of moon/features

Simultaneous Formation Theory
The Moon was created along with Earth at its formation via accretion.
Capture Theory
The Moon was a wandering body (like an asteroid) that formed elsewhere in the solar system and was captured by Earth's gravity as it passed nearby.
Spin or Fission Theory
Moon was once part of Earth but separated from it early in their history. Earth had been spinning so fast that some material broke away and began to orbit the planet.
One theory of the formation of The moon was the Giant Impact theory.
Analysis of samples brought back from NASA Apollo missions suggest: Earth and Moon are a result of a giant impact between an early proto-planet and an astronomical body called Theia.
Regolith is the layer of loose, ground-up rock on the lunar surface.
(Moon was heavily bombarded during its first 800 million years, resulted in breaking and heating of rocks on Moon’s surface)


The regolith is likely derived from broken up basalt lava.


Rills was found in the Maria, long, deep ancient lava channels and look like meandering valley-like structures
Rays are the long trails ejecta that radiate outward from a crater.
Ejecta is the material blasted out of the crater during the impact fell back to the surface
Thickest closest to the crater and thinnest further away.
Early lunar observers described the Moon in terms of light and dark areas.
Albedo is a property of objects that describes how much light they reflect.

Lunar maria are dark (low albedo), smooth plains; composed of volcanic rock likely basalt.

Galileo described dark areas on the Moon as seas or maria (mare).

Formed 3-4 billion years ago and intense bombardment formed highlands. Lava welled up from Moon’s interior and filled in large impact basins. This lava fill created dark, smooth plains of maria Flowing lava in maria scarred the surface with rilles.

Lunar highlands are light in colour (high albedo), mountainous areas that are heavily cratered.

Mountains up to 7500 m (25,000 ft) tall. Ridges - long, narrow elevations of rock that crisscross the moon’s surface.

The Moon is covered by impact craters of all sizes. NO erosion, except for surface creep and wear caused by recent impacts because it has no atmosphere or flowing water. No internal activity.
Impact craters are formed by meteorites or asteroids hitting the surface of the Moon and they occur in many different sizes.

Central peak is the higher area in the center of larger craters.

Crust: 60-100 km thick ,thickest on far side. Mantle: 1,000 km thick, possibly made of Si, Mg and Fe. Core: radius less than 700 km, Non-uniform (liquid and solid)
Revolution: Moon orbits the Earth every 27.3 days. Rotation: Moon turns on its axis every 27.3 days
We always see the same side of the Moon because its period of rotation equals its revolution! This is called synchronous rotation. This is called synchronous rotation.
Earth’s only natural satellite. Moon’s diameter is 3,468 km and ¼ size of Earth. Moon orbits Earth at a distance of about 384,000 km (240,000 miles)
Moon orbits Earth at a 5o angle with respect to the Earth’s orbit around the Sun.

No atmosphere and temperatures are extreme: Daytime = 130°C (265°F) and Nighttime = -190°C (-310 °F). The gravity is 1/6 Earth’s gravity – too low to retain an atmophere.

Composition of planets

Terrestrial planets
These planets made up of rocks or metals with a hard surface. Terrestrial planets also have a molten heavy-metal core, few moons and topological features such as valleys, volcanoes and craters.
Jovian Planets
These planets have no solid surfaces and are essentially large balls of gas composed primarily of hydrogen and helium.

Comet orbits, periodic comets

Periodic comets are comets that have a orbital period less than 200 years or that have been observed during more than a single perihelion passage
Comets go around the Sun in a highly elliptical orbit. They can spend hundreds and thousands of years out in the depths of the solar system before they return to Sun at their perihelion.
Like all orbiting bodies, comets follow Kepler's Laws - the closer they are to the Sun, the faster they move.
The solar wind (high energy particles) vapourizes the nucleus producing spectacular tails of dust and gas (coma).
As they move away from the sun the tail actually precedes them!
Comets are like “dirty snowballs” consisting of a nucleus of dust in ice, CO2, methane and ammonia.
When they pass close to the Sun, they become visible.

Asteroids, meteors, meteoroid, meteorite

A meteorite is the part of the meteoroid that does not burn up in the atmosphere. When meteorites hit the surface, they may form an impact crater.
On the basis of their composition, meteorites found on Earth are divided into three categories: Iron, Stony and Stony irons

Stony Iron meteorites: are composed of iron and silicate minerals and it make up <1% of all meteorites found.

Stony meteorites: are mixtures of minerals like feldspar, pyroxene and olivine, it look similar to Earth rocks and make up 94% of all meteorites found

Iron meteorites: are composed of iron and nickel, have fusion crusts and distinctive intergrown Fe-Ni crystals. It makes up 5% of all meteorites found.

A meteoroid is any debris that falls toward the Earth. Meteoroids range in size from molecules to asteroids.
A meteor is the millisecond streak of light and heat produced when a meteoroid burns up in the atmosphere. Mistakenly termed “shooting stars”.

A meteor shower is produced when the Earth passes through the dust tail of a comet. Many meteors may be seen at peak times (up to 100 per hour) at predictable times of the year.

The Asteroid Belt:located between the orbits of Jupiter and Mars.
The belt is composed of varying sized pieces of rock debris (1 to 1000 km in diameter) with pitted and irregular surfaces.

Asteroids were once thought to be destroyed planets. Today we believe they represent the composition of the early Solar System.

Asteroids (sometimes forming meteors) and comets are examples of this leftover debris.
Asteroids may collide with each other and break into smaller pieces. Occasionally, these pieces are attracted by gravity towards other planets.

Interplanetary debris

Material that remained after the formation of the planets and satellites; Some crashed into planets and diminished; Some was ejected out of solar system; Some remained became comets and asteroids.
Most asteroids trapped between Jupiter and Mars in the asteroid belt which are attracted by Jupiter’s gravitational pull
Leftover materials from planets and satellites that includes comets, asteroids

The role of gravity

Gravity pulls matters together and the cloud dust becomes more dense, it spins and flattens and eventually becomes a a rotating disk with a dense center

Planetesimal formation

Tiny grains of matter combined/collided
Grew from small to massive objects over thousands of years

Sometimes they destroyed each other but most often they grew larger

Sun formation

The Sun and the rest of the solar system formed from a giant, rotating cloud of gas and dust called a solar nebula about 4.5 billion years ago. As the nebula collapsed because of its overwhelming gravity, it spun faster and flattened into a disk.

Rotating disk

Accretion disk: An accretion disk is a structure formed by diffuse material in orbital motion around a massive central body. The central body is typically a star. Friction causes orbiting material in the disk to spiral inward towards the central body.

Interstellar clouds

An interstellar cloud is generally an accumulation of gas, plasma, and dust in our and other galaxies. Put differently, an interstellar cloud is a denser-than-average region of the interstellar medium(ISM).
The matter and radiation that exists in the space between the star systems in a galaxy. Depending on the density, size, and temperature of a given cloud, its hydrogen can be neutral, making an H I region; ionized, or plasma making it an H II region; or molecular, which are referred to simply as molecular clouds, or sometime dense clouds.

Neutral and ionized clouds are sometimes also called diffuse clouds. An interstellar cloud is formed by the gas and dust particles from a red giant in its later life.

Shape of our solar system

Stage 1: The cloud spins faster and contracts. It collapses at the equatorial plan and becomes flat. Then it eventually looks like arotating disk with adense center
Stage 2: Gravity and rotation within the nebula cause contraction over time forming a dense centre (protosun) and a thin outer flattened disk.

Stage 2: Outer planets = more volatile, gases (ie. CO, CH4)

Stage 1: At first, density of gases is low, so that the gravity draws matter together. Once it collapses, it then accelerates and cloud become more dense
Stage 2: The center of rotating disk becomes more dense. Temperature rises greatly and enough pressure to fuse hydrogen into helium. Temperature range is large depending on distance from early Sun

Stage 2: Inner planets = richer in higher melting point elements (ie. Fe, Si)

The solar system formed from the collapse of an interstellar cloud.
Clouds of H and He, small amounts of other elements and dust

Dust blocks light from stars and also reflects light/illuminates the clouds