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לשה"ר דרך רמז is Full LH (LH1_8)

The text delves into the distinctions and interpretations surrounding different forms of slander as discussed in various Gemara texts. It explores the concept of "דרך רמז," a form of slander conveyed through hints or implications rather than explicit statements.


לשה"ר דרך רמז is Full LH (LH1_8)

What exactly is דרך רמז?

Gemara re: עכן: A גורל is מותר
Perhaps still LH, but less (and thus obligated) - see Gra
How does it differ from אבק לשה"ר?
What is אבק לשה"ר?

Something which can be interpreted for bad or good (??)

Giving Appearance of Speaking LH (RY)

Vague Allusion (lacks details of what happened)

e.g. "Don't mention Ploni, I don't want to say what happened" (RambaM)

He seems to include "... I don't want to speak LH about Ploni" in this.

Implied דברי גנאי - Vague? (Who would have thought that Ploni would be (good) - as he is now!?" (RambaM)

Saying something which causes דברי גנות to be said or הפסד

e.g. Publicizing someone's generosity (meals) (LH9_3)

e.g. Praising in front of an enemy or excessive praise סתם (LH9_2)

LH דרך רמז is being "מספר" the entire מעשה גנות. Done רדך רמז so that שאר השומעים won't understand (LH9_1_2)

Q - Doesn't the case of "מוצא" also lack the details of what the מעשה הגנאי is? (why isn't it אבק)?

Q re: "שאר" - Even if just one person understand it should be לשה"ר גמורה סתם!

Why does he distinguish it from לשה"ר בצינע which does have an explicit Gemara?
What is לשה"ר בצינע?

Gemara Zevachim: Spoken in Private בחשאי

The שפת אמת explains "private" as not articulating it בפירוש - even if done publicly. Perhaps this could resolve the apparent difference in definition between Zevachim and Peah

He uses this peshat to explain an apparent contradiction between this Gemara (acc to Rashi) which uses the case of וילנו העם against Moshe and Aharon "אתם המיתם" - accusing them of killing korach and his followers. The Q being that that event was public not private. As such, the Sefas Emes learns that only the means that it was communicated was "private"

Gemara Peah: "חובצא" Verbally Alluding to Info (even publicly)

לשה"ר (סתם) = "האומרו"

לשה"ר בצינע = "היודעו"

דרך רמיזה אע"פ דאינו מפורש (פני משה ומהר"א פולדא)

Source for איסור? How does a Rashi on Chumah outweigh 2 Gemaras? Especially when it requires chiddushim to reconcile

Proof For
Rashi explanation of an apparent Aramaic idiom used by Onkelos/Sefer Daniel
Proof Against
Gemara Yevamos: re: Rav מוציא כגון אמך

Introduces היתר for speaking LH כדי ללמד קרא (if already known)

Gemara Berachos re: מצא או מוציא

Q - Isn't his explanation (everyone knows about a bad כלה) hard to understand במציאות? Also, why didn't the choson know?

Q - How can he use RambaM's shittah re: דבר המפורסם when he warned against using it?

Q - Why doesn't CC use peshat used by רי"ף and נתיבות (avoids LH entirely and is מדויק in the story)