Kategorien: Alle - satellite - networks

von Jose Guerra Renteria Vor 6 Jahren


4.2 Reading map CH.3

In the early cable industry, multiple-system operators (MSOs) began acquiring smaller cable companies that struggled to expand, allowing larger corporations to endure financial challenges.

4.2 Reading map CH.3

4.2 Reading map CH.3

How does a telephone company provider (telco) work?

telecomunications Act of 1996.. It was written largely for radio , it served broadcasting well for decades, mainly because the american system of government allows laws to be interperted by the courts and regulatory bodies such as the FCC

What made satellite different from cable?

Original Satellite TV dishes were 10 meters in diameter and cost almost $150,000, a sstiff price for cable systems, many of which were just managing to break even. But satellite tech moved quickly enough that by 1977 dishes in the range of 3 meters sold for less than $10,000.

How did multiple-system operators, Affect the early cable industry?

Well the MSOs started to purchase cable companies that were unable to expand were sold to large corpoartions that could withstand the unprofibility of the freeze period.

What are the key programming changes that arose in the 80s?

The multitude of cable tv programming networks launched during the 1980s.

what role did local-programming play in cables programming?

it played a role which was what programming planned and produced by the cable system came to be called.

What is distant signal importation, and why was it so important to cables development?

it was important because if a small town had one tv station, the cable system would import the signals from two TV stations in a large city several hundred miles away.
"if there were no local signals available, these companies carried the three network signals by importing them from stations in nearby communities, a practice that became known as distant signal importation."