Kategorien: Alle - carbohydrates - protein - cholesterol - nutrients

von Crowder Addison Vor 2 Jahren


6 Essential Nutrients

Nutrients are crucial for maintaining health and supporting bodily functions. Carbohydrates, as a primary source of energy, come in two main forms: complex and simple. Complex carbohydrates, found in foods like beans and whole grains, provide sustained energy by raising blood glucose levels gradually.

6 Essential Nutrients

6 Essential Nutrients


Macro Minerals


Deficiency: weakness muscle cramps fatigue

Food Source: naturally occurs in many foods table salt and sea salt food processed with salt

Function: helps control blood pressure necessary for muscle and nerve function


Deficiency: osteoporosis a disease characterized by thinning and weakening of bones) stunted growth

Food Source: milk and milk products , Broccoli, Legumes, Fish and edible bones

function: Calcium builds bone and teeth used by blood vessels to help transfort blood used by muscles and nerves

Minerals single atoms of elements cannot be created or destroyed by the body. inorganic element or compound needed by the body in small amounts
Trace Minerals


Deficiency:Cavaties and week bones

Food Source: brewed black tea,wine,grapes,raisins,spinach,potatoes

Function: preventing and reversing dental caries and building strong teeth and bones


Deficiency : Anemia,weakness,fatigue,pale complexion

Food Source : Animal sources: beef,pork,fish,poultry. plant sources: legumes,spinach ,prunes,raisins

Function: hemogoblin in the blood needed for oxygen transfer in the blood stream


Deficiency: anemia, low body temperature, bone fractures and osteoporosis, low white blood cell count, irregular heartbeat, loss of pigment from the skin, and thyroid problems.

Food Source:organ meats, shellfish, fish, nuts, and seeds as well as whole grains and chocolate

Function: helps your body make red blood cells and keeps nerve cells and your immune system healthy


Deficiency: stunted growth slow wound healing loss of hair,apetite, and sense of smell

Food Source: beef,pork,poultry,grains,nuts,milk and milk products,bread

Function : helps in healing wounds helps keeps eyes,hair,nails healthy is a component of insulin and enzymes

Vitamins fat soluble
Vitamin K

Defiency:poor blood clotting frequent bruising

Food Source:dark green leafy vegetables plant oils( canola,soybean,olive)

Function:helps blood to clot

Vitamin E

Deficiency:vision problems muscular problems

Food Source:plant oils wheat germ egg yolks

Function:helps maintain immune function

Vitamin D

Deficincy:rickets (disorder characterized by softening and weakening of bones) bone pain, weakness

Food Source:fortified milk fish oils can be produced in the body when skin is exposed to sunlight

Function:helps absorb calcium to build strong bones and teeth

Vitamin C

Defiency:Scurvy,bleeding gums,dry skin,

Food Source:citrus fruits,strawberries,tomatoes,peppers

Function: boosts immune system,keeps gums healthy,and repairs bones,blood tissues prevents bruising

Vitamin A


Food Source:


a vitamin is a micronutrient an organic compound that is required in small amounts in the body a vitamin is a micronutrient an organic compound that is required in small amounts in the body
Vitamins water soluble
Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid)

Defficiency:Anemia sore throat

Food Source:leafy vegetables,legumes,grain products,beef,poultry,pork

Function:necessary for the formation of red blood cells important for pregnant women

Vitamin B12

Deficiency:anemia,loss of balance ,weakness

Food Source:animal products,fortified soy products

Function:helps cells grow,makes red blood cells, protects nerve fibre

Vitamin B6

Deficiency:muscle weakness,short term memory loss, skin irritation

Food Source:meat.poultry,fish,leafy vegatbles , whole grain products, nuts lentils,nuts

Function:helps body use energy from macronutrients helps body build red blood cells

Vitamin B3(Niancin)

Deficiency:diarrhea,bermatitis pellagra

Food Source:chicken,beef,pork,liver,fish,peanut butter, whole grain products

Function:keeps nervous system healthy aids in digestion helps body use energy from macronutrients

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)

Deficiency: cracks in corner of mouth,smooth and purplish tongue,dry scaly facial skin

Food Source: milk,meat,liver,dark green vegetables , whole grain breads and cereals

Function:helps keep tongue,ips,skin and eyes healthy helps body use protein and carbohydrates and release energy

Vitamin B1( Thiamin)

Deficiency: beriberi(disease characterized by rapid heart rate ,difficulty walking,vomiting,short of breath

Food Source:pork,liver,organ meats ,green vegetables yeast,whole grain breads,cereal

Function:helps release energy from carbohydrates in foods


Food Source: vegetables, fruit
if you drink too much water your kidneys cant get rid of the excess water. the sodium content of your blood becomes diluted that i called hyponatremia and it can be life threatening
signs of dehydration; headache,dizziness,fatigue ,cramping,weakness,dry mouth
Functions: Removing waste from the body,regulatin body temperature, helping to maintain normal blood pressure, lubricating joints an organs and helping maintain blood volume
we are made up to 60 to 70% of water



blood cholesterol is produced naturally in your body and circulates through your bloodstream

Dietry Cholesterol

Food Source : egg yolk, shrimp, beef, and pork, poultry, as well as cheese and butter

Function: helps make cell membranes, many hormones and vitamin D


HDL(high density lipoprotein)


LDL( Low density lipoprotein

cholesterol is a waxy fat like substance made in the liver. and found in blood and all cells of the body

high cholesterol .you can develop fatty deposits in your blood vessels these deposit grow makin it difficult for blood flow and can cause heart attacks and strokes

triglceride An ester derived from glycerol and three fatty acids. they are the main constituents o body fat in humans
Invisible Fat

more difficult to see

invisible fat ex: fat in egg yolks, butter fat suspended in whipped cream

Visible Fat

easy to see

visible fat ex: meat the flecks of fat in meat know as marbling

Unsaturated Fat

Defiancy: disrupts the balance of fatty acids in cell membranes, resulting in the development of eicosanoids that trigger inflammatory responses and constrict blood vessels.

Food Source: Olive, peanut, and canola oils. Avocados. Nuts such as almonds, hazelnuts, and pecans. Seeds such as pumpkin and sesame seeds

Function: improve blood cholesterol levels, ease inflammation, stabilize heart rhythms

Saturated fat

Deficiency: dry rashes, hair loss, a weaker immune system

Food Source:butter, ghee, suet, lard, coconut oil and palm oil,cakes.,biscuits,fatty cuts of meat,sausages.bacon,cured meats like salami, chorizo and pancetta.,cheese

Function: provide energy for body

serious protein deficiency can cause swelling,fatty liver,skin degeneration, , stunt growth in children
too little protien

Muscle wasting, risk of bone fractures

Too much protien

usually sored as fat


Food Source: Plant sources: legumes,grains,some vegetables

those that dont have them are incomplete proteins



Food Source : beef,pork,lamb,bison,poultry,seafood,egg,milk,buckwheat,hemp,soybeans

foods that have good amounts of all nine essential amino acids are considered sources of complete protein

Function: support growth and normal maintenance of body tissues


Food Source: Whole-wheat flour, wheat bran, nuts, beans and vegetables, such as cauliflower, green beans and potatoes

Function: adds bulk to the stool and appears to help food pass more quickly through the stomach and intestines.


Food Source: oats, peas, beans, apples, citrus fruits, carrots, barley and psyllium

Function:lower total blood cholesterol levels by lowering low-density lipoprotein, or "bad," cholesterol levels.

deficiency : You're hungry soon after eating You have high cholesterol You have hemorrhoids You constantly feel tired and sluggish You are having a hard time losing weight
Examples of food Source


Function: helps body regulate the bodys use of sugars. helping to keep hunger and blood sugar in check
Simple carbohydrates

Function:used as energy

Food Source: fruits, milk, and milk products.

Complex Carbohydrates

Function: raise blood glucose levels for longer and produce a more lasting elevation in energy

Food Source: peas, beans, whole grains, and vegetables



Food Source:sugary beverages, desserts, sweet snacks, sweetened coffee, sweetened tea and candy