von iqwan rajmi Vor 7 Jahren
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The unpaid invoices and vouchers will be held in an open file.
1. Purchase order - what the company had ordered and at what cost 2. Delivery order - what company has received 3. Supplier invoice - what the supplier bill to company
Each supplier invoice is routed to accounts payable for processing. After the invoice is verified and approved, the amount will be credited to the company's Accounts Payable account and will also be debited to another account (often as an expense or asset).
The delivery order may be a paper form or it may be a computer entry. The quantity and description of the goods shown on the delivery order should be compared to the information on the company's purchase order.
The purchase order will indicate a PO number, date prepared, company name, supplier name, name and phone number of a contact person, a description of the items being purchased, the quantity, unit prices, and date needed