Kategorien: Alle - fermentation - oxygen - energy

von Lian Gualon Vor 1 Jahr


Anaerobic and Aerobic cellular respiration (3.2-3.3)

Anaerobic and aerobic cellular respiration are crucial biological processes that provide energy to living organisms. Anaerobic respiration occurs without the presence of oxygen and includes processes like alcoholic fermentation and lactic acid fermentation.

Anaerobic and Aerobic cellular respiration (3.2-3.3)

Anaerobic and Aerobic cellular respiration (3.2-3.3)

Linking words in any style of writing will help the reader to follow the flow of information.

These will show contrast, connection, condition between two things.

In ethanol fermentation, pyruvate is converted into a two-carbon compound, acetaldehyde, and carbon dioxide. The acetaldehyde reoxidizes the NADH back to NAD+ for reuse.

Therefore, so, consequently and as a result are all used in a similar way.

So is more informal.

Alcohol fermentation is a useful industrial process, used to generate ethanol for fuel. It is also the same process by which alcoholic beverages are produced.

These words are used to make a general statement.

In lactate fermentation, pyruvate oxidizes NADH back to NAD+ and, in the process, is converted into lactate. In single-celled organisms, the lactate is released to the

Anaerobic cellular respiration

Use these words at the beginning of the sentence to give a summary of what has been said or written.

There are two main types of anaerobic respiration: Alcoholic fermentation Lactic acid fermentation.
Anaerobic respiration is also used by multi-cellular organisms, like us, as a temporary response to oxygen-less conditions. During heavy or intensive exercise such as running, sprinting, cycling or weight lifting, our body demands high energy.
Anaerobic means “without air”.
Oxygen is absent when this form of respiration takes place.
a process which takes place in the absence of oxygen gas. In this process, the energy is obtained by the breakdown of glucose in the absence of oxygen. One of the best examples of anaerobic respiration is the process of fermentation in yeast.

Proteins and fats can enter into glycolysis or Krebs cycle at different points.

Aerobic respiration occurs in the mitochondrial matrix of the cell. On the contrary, anaerobic respiration occurs in the fluid portion of the cytoplasm.

These words are useful when you want to refer to one of two points, to list ideas.
The following is a good way of starting a list.

Krebs Cycle

However is the formal version of but. It is not normally used at the beginning of a sentence.

Although, despite and in spite of introduce an idea of contrast.

The Krebs cycle is a cyclical metabolic pathway that occurs in the mitochondrial matrix. Acetyl CoA is fed into the pathway. Ultimately, the original carbon atoms from glucose that entered glycolysis will be oxidized by the Krebs cycle.

Pyruvate Oxidation

These linking worss are used to provide a condition to what has been stated.

When oxygen is available, the pyruvate produced in the chtosol is transported into the mitochondrial matrix.


Use these words to accept a point or idea with reservation.

In all cells in which aerobic respiration occurs, the main function of glycolysis is to convert glucose to two molecules of pyruvate. The amount of useful energy in the form of ATP generated by glycolysis is small compared to the ATP produced by the pathways that take place in the mitochondria.
Sweet and splitting, respectively. involves the breakdown (splitting)

Aerobic cellular respiration

Ideas are often linked by 'and'. In a list, you put a comma between each item, but not before and.

Recommended not to start a sentence with also. Use instead In addition, or In addition to this.

The end products of aerobic respiration include 6 molecules of carbon dioxide, 6 molecules of water and 30 molecules of ATP.
The different stages of aerobic respiration are: Glycolysis Formation of acetyl coenzyme A Citric acid cycle Electron Transport Chain
Aerobic respiration process takes place in all multicellular organisms including animals, plants and other living organisms.
“Aerobic respiration is the process of producing cellular energy in the presence of oxygen.”
Substrate level phosphorylation; At various steps in the glycolythic pathway
Occurs in the cytoplasm of the cell, and in the mitochondrion
Glucose + oxygen ? Carbon dioxide + water + ATP
Catabolic pathways that require oxygen

Respiration is of two types, aerobic respiration, and anaerobic respiration.

These linking words are used to empashize a point.

Oxidative phosphorylation involves two events. The electron transport chain oxidizes NADH or FADH2 and generates an H1 gradient. This gradient is used by ATP synthase to make ATP via chemiosmosis.

The most common way to give examples is by using for example or for instance.
Namely refers to something by name.