Kategorien: Alle - access - roles - subscription - account

von Constantina Luciana Vor 3 Jahren


AnyTag for Client

The platform provides different access levels for users, where Members and Admins have distinct capabilities and restrictions. Members can view various sections but have limited interaction capabilities, such as managing only their submissions and not being able to manage accounts, groups, or addons.

AnyTag for Client


Type in the name of your organization and press Enter.


Non Auto Renew
Design Services
  1. Reference:
  2. Ticketing design: https://dribbble.com/shots/4644902-Community-Discussion/attachments/1049345
  3. Media files attachment: https://www.tokopedia.com/bowinindonesia/bowin-x-filkop-kid-size-masker-bomber-masker-anak-4-lapis-filter-kid-size?src=topads
  4. Information displayed:
  5. Topic
  6. Ticket creator
  7. Profile picture
  8. Name
  9. Ticket status
  10. Ticket title
  11. Ticket description
  12. Materials attachment
  13. Discussion
  14. Respondent
  15. Profile picture
  16. Name
  17. Respondent position
  18. Message
  19. Attachment
  20. Change ticket status log
  21. Ticket status
  22. New: if the ticket has been created by the author
  23. In progress: get first reply by AnyTag's employee
  24. If the status is completed or canceled, the ticket could not be updated
  25. Employee name
  26. Employee position
  27. Date
  28. Not auto-renew
  1. Based on selected plan price
  2. Based on selected payment terms (monthly/annually)
Copywriting Services
  1. Not auto-renew

Auto Renew
SEO Audit
Media Channel

Create Subdomain/Domain

  1. Domain options
  2. https://yourcompany.anytag.app
  3. https://your.company.com
  4. https://company.com
  5. One to many: users can create more than one website of media channel
  6. Additional charge per media channel

Choose Your Content Channel

  1. User should be able to select
  2. Platform(s)
  3. Account(s)

Choose Template

Publish Your Media Channel

See Your Content is Published

Content Marketing

Create Article

Save & Publish to CMS




  1. Need to get API integration information
Additional Distribution Channel
  1. Auto-renew

Push Notification (addon)

  1. Waiting for finalization

RSS Feed (addon)

SMS (addon)

Email (addon)

Choose Package

Whatsapp (addon)

Telegram (addon)

  1. Single price $25/month
  2. Auto-renew

Select 3rd Party Payment Method





Debit Card

Credit Card


  1. Coupon Code Validation
  2. Validity for Selected Plan
  3. Coupon Expiration

Social Media Account(s) List

  1. Information displayed
  2. Account profile information
  3. Connection status
  4. Last 7 days stat
  5. Categories
  6. Image posts
  7. Video posts
  8. Average likes
  9. Average comments
  10. Information details
  11. Total
  12. Growth
  13. Charts
  14. Profile Growth
  15. Categories
  17. Followings
  18. Information details
  19. Total
  20. Growth
  21. Average engagement rate
  22. Rate
  23. Growth
  24. Other information
  25. Top posts withing 7 days
  26. Top hashtags used within 7 days
  27. Top mentions within 7 days
  28. Post engagement within 7 days

Account Connection Satus


User Management

Role Permission Description:

  1. Roles are used to define a team member access level
  2. Based on the roles, users should be granted access to certain predefined set of modules and accounts group

Roles List

Update Role Information

Add New Role

Add Group

Groups List

Activate Module(s)

Modules List

Multiple Selections

Insert Role Information

  1. Role name
  2. Mandatory
  1. Implement Uppy.io
Media List

Remote Storage Access

Direct Upload

  1. Validation
  2. File type
  3. File size

  1. Details:
  2. Watermark name
  3. Mandatory
  4. Watermark setting
  5. Watermark image
  6. Mandatory
  7. Image position
  8. Image size
  9. Image transparency

Custom Watermark

Custom Watermark List

Remove Account from Watermark Preset

Create Watermark

Apply to Account(s)

Accounts List

  1. Non-empty selection
  2. If the selected account already has watermark assigned, existing watermark should be replaced by the new watermark

Watermark Details

Default Watermark

Watermark Settings

  1. Caption details:
  2. Title
  3. Content
  4. Caption text
  5. Emoji
  6. Remaining characters count
  7. Tags
  8. Suggested tags
  9. Max 15 top tags from AnyTag account history

Existing Captions List

Update Caption Details

Expand Caption

View Caption Details

Add New Caption


  1. Caption with empty title field should be saved using "Untitled [counter]" title

Not Empty Content Validation

Add Caption Details


Existing Groups List

Select Group

  1. Once a group is deleted, the association between the group and the selected account(s) should be remove, therefore the account(s) should be available to be selected for another groups.
  1. Validation
  2. Mandatory fields
  3. Editable details
  4. Group name
  5. Account(s) selection

Group Accounts List


  1. Displaying all accounts which have no group assigned
  2. Filter
  3. All social media platform
  4. Specific social media platform

Remove from Group

Add New Group

  1. Validation
  2. Mandatory fields validation

Enter Group Information

  1. Information
  2. Group name
  3. Mandatory

Select Accounts

Available Accounts List

  1. Displaying all accounts which have no group assigned
  2. Filter
  3. All social media
  4. Specific social media platform
  1. User should be able to select one to many items one by one
Existing Members List
  1. Information Displayed:
  2. Member Name
  3. Email
  4. Role


Role & Permission

Account Groups Access

Modules Access

  1. By default members should have the basic access inherited from the role assigned

Member Details






Waiting Confirmation

Re-Send Invitation

Invite Member

Member Email

Email Address Format Validation

Registered Email Checking



Invitation Email Sent

Invitation Link Confirmed

Account Activated

  1. Information displayed
  2. Account
  3. Name
  4. Social Media Type
  5. Group Name
  6. One account should only be able to be added to 1 group
  7. Filter
  8. All Social Media
  9. Social Media Platform

Delete Account

Connection Status




View Account


Add New Account
  1. Account(s) added by team members should be stored in association to the team owner.


  1. Additional Information
  2. Upcoming Posts Count
  3. Today
  4. Tomorrow
  5. Next Week
  6. Next Month
  7. Top 10 Hashtags
  8. Top 10 hashtags used in the selected account's posts history
Check Social Media Account
No Social Media Account

Dashboard Onboarding

  1. Should be displayed if the user have no social media account listed

Add Account(s)

  1. Account in this case refers to distribution channel account
Social Media Account(s) Existed

Account List

Existing Account(s) List

Select Specific Account

Posts List

  1. Filter
  2. Status
  3. Scheduled
  4. Published
  5. Failed

Resend Failed Post

  1. Upload post to the selected social media accounts 5 minutes after the last posts queue

Edit Post

Selected Date & Time Validation

Edit Content

Create Post

Add Queue

  1. Validation
  2. Validate added media file types compatibility with selected account type(s)
  3. Both scheduled post and direct post should be added to the posts queue
  4. If the user choose Share Now, the post should be added to the direct posts queue with 5 minutes interval between each of the posts and the latest post should be uploaded to the social media 5 minutes after the last post in the list uploaded
  5. If the user choose Schedule, the post should be uploaded to the social media at the scheduled date time

Set Queue


Date & Time Setting

  1. User should not be able to select dates before current date

Share Now

Add Location

Add Media

Media Manager

Select Media(s)

  1. User should be able to choose 0 to many media(s)

Add Caption

  1. Optional

Save Caption

  1. Validation
  2. Non-empty content

Add Title

Edit Caption Content


Insert Caption

Captions List

Insert to Post Draft

  1. Selected caption should replace caption added manually by the user



Search by Keyword

Result List

Empty State

Caption Content

Add Hashtags

Generate Hashtags

  1. Hashtag results should be generated based on Facebook & IG API
  2. Hashtag results generated are related to hashtags added manually to the caption by the user

Add Emoji

Add Caption Text

Add More Account(s)

  1. Not mandatory
  2. User should be able to add 0 to many account(s) in addition to the specific account selected previously

Account(s) List

  1. Filter
  2. All
  3. Accounts Group

Select Account(s)

Select/Deselect All

Custom Selections

  1. Select account(s) one by one

View Account Detail

Add Account


Redirecting to login page URL
Last Update Info

e.g. Updated a week ago

App Version Info

e.g. AnyTag 2.0.3

What's New
Chat with Sales

like Glovory Chat

Send us a message


Server Status

Redirecting to https://status.anytag.app

Application Status

Terms & Privacy
Learning Center

Redirecting to Notion page URL

Payment History

Payment history is a list displaying columns:

  1. Transaction date
  2. Subscription:
  3. AnyTag
  4. Addon: Design Service
  5. Addon: Copywriting Service
  6. Addon: Content Marketing
  7. etc
  8. Billing Cycle:
  9. Monthly
  10. Quarterly
  11. Biannually
  12. Annually
  13. Status:
  14. Paid
  15. Unpaid
  16. Download (Invoice in PDF format)
Payment Process

Payment method:

  1. Indonesia
  2. Credit Card
  3. Debit Card
  4. eWallet
  5. GoPay
  6. OVO

Non Realtime Payment


  1. Credit Card that has met payment limit
  2. Debit Card
  3. eWallet
  4. GoPay
  5. OVO



Realtime Payment


  1. Credit card


Payment transaction is marked as UNPAID

Waiting period checking

  1. Duration: 6 days.
  2. For Renewal, waiting period started from subscription expired date.
  3. For New Subscription Request, waiting period started from first failed payment date.

Waiting period is up

Payment transaction is marked as CANCELLED



If Free Package IS exist

Membership is downgraded to Free Package

If Free Package IS NOT exist

Payment is Cancelled, Membership is expired and users need to resubscribe max. 1 year

New Subscription

Request is cancelled

Remaining waiting period is existed

System try recharging every 3 days


Payment transaction is marked as PAID

If user does not have existing membership

If user has existing membership

Existing membership is deactivated

New membership is activated


Information displayed:

  1. Subscription type
  2. Subscription name
  3. Subscription package price
  4. Monthly
  5. Billing cycle contract
  6. Monthly
  7. Quarterly
  8. Biannually
  9. Annually
  10. Subscribed date
  11. Expired date
  12. Next payment charge date
  13. Action button

6 days waiting period from expiration date

Non Auto Renew Service

User should manually start the Renewal process

Auto Renew Service


Select Plan

Select Billing Cycle

Payment Calculation

Validate Subscription Type



User Input Coupon Code

  1. Not mandatory
  2. Validation:
  3. Coupon Code Validation
  4. Validity for Selected Plan
  5. Coupon Expiration



Total Payment After Coupon Applied


  1. Only view for Member
  2. Editable for Admin


Capable to access:

  1. Posts
  2. Can be all or specific features of each channels
  3. Account
  4. Can be all or specific account type (fb, ig, etc)
  5. Can be all or specific account (fb A, fb B, fb C, ig E)
  6. Cannot manage account
  7. Contact
  8. Can manage their own submission
  9. Group
  10. Can be all or specific group
  11. Cannot manage group
  12. Caption
  13. Watermark
  14. Media
  15. Analytics
  16. Can be all or specific
  17. Addon:
  18. Can be all or specific addon
  19. Cannot manage addon:
  20. Cannot see configuration of each addon (if any)
  21. Cannot see payment history of each addon
  22. Cannot renew for all addon
  23. Cannot subscribe to new addon


Capable to access:

  1. Dashboard
  2. Posts
  3. Account
  4. Team
  5. Group
  6. Contact
  7. Caption
  8. Watermark
  9. Media
  10. Analytics
  11. Addon

Email Address
  1. Mandatory
  2. Using abcd@abc.xyz format
  3. Cannot be changed
Company Name
Full Name


Profile Photo


  1. File Type: PNG or JPG
  2. File Size: 1MB


USER ONBOARDING by validating if user already has integrated Social Media account or not

Add Social Media Account


Google My Business







Show Dashboard Details

  1. Reports
  2. Last 30 Days Post Chart (30 days back from current day - current day should be excluded)
  3. Succeed Posts
  4. Failed Posts
  5. Statistic Counter
  6. Successful Posts
  7. Failed Posts
  8. Total Posts
  9. Total Accounts
  10. Total Members
  11. 10 Latest Connected Accounts
  12. 10 Recent Failed Posts
  13. Filters
  14. All
  15. Specific Social Media Account


Sign In/Sign Up
Custom Email

User inputs Email Address

Validate registered Email

Send OTP to Email Address

OTP Validation




Validate if account is registered


System create user account


Validate account status


Error Message


Update Profile