von Maynard Emma Vor 9 Jahren
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prep 10 min
total time 45 min
I think this is a horrible website for recipes. the format of the website is bland and doesn't look appealing at all. The website doesn't include pictures, reviews, and specifics like serving size. Overall I don't find this website great at all, especially if I'm going to be making this recipe for the first time.
I like the format of this website- it is very simple and easy to follow. the website lists the specific ingredients needed, though some are too specific with certain brands. I also like that it has included a rating from people who have used this recipe. I also like how this recipe puts its measurements in both cups and mL. I don't like how there isn't much background to the recipe- for ex. how much someone has enjoyed baking this recipe with their family for years. though there isn't much I don't like about this website/recipe, I wont be using it.
I don't like this website at all, though the recipe could be good- I wont be using it. I wont be using this website because it fails to include a picture of the recipe, specifics like tools needed, and serving size. The website also doesn't always list how much of some ingredients is needed. It has easy steps but I feel as if it lacks specifics and is to general in methods I need to do. I find the entire website too general for my liking when first making this treat.
This is my favorite website and the recipe I will be using. I've chosen this website because someone has blogged it from enjoying it with her family so much. There are also a number of positive reviews. I also like this website because it is simple and organized. Its also great because it has helpful ways to make the treat healthier than using regular ingredients. This website also lists specifics like the serving size. I don't like this website because it also fails to list the required tools, but I guess that means there are no out-of-the-ordinary tools needed.
This web link is simple and organized. I like this website because it includes a picture of the recipe, and has very simple steps to follow. I don't like this website because it tells me to use certain branded ingredients that I don't know like "LACANTIA" butter, cant I just use regular butter? I also don't like this specific recipe because it doesn't tell me specifics like the serving size, or any of the tools I need.