Kategorien: Alle - marketing - production - consumption - distribution

von Sami auster Vor 6 Jahren


Ben & Jerry's Commodity Chain

An analysis of the environmental impact of an ice cream brand reveals that production-related activities, including the creation of materials and the product itself, account for a significant portion of CO2 emissions.

Ben & Jerry's Commodity Chain


-end of life has smallest % of climate impact at only 2% of the total 2 lbs of co2 emissions is produced from disposal of waste (https://www.benjerry.com/values/issues-we-care-about/climate-justice/life-cycle-analysis)


-2% of the 2lbs of co2 emissions comes from the emissions associated with freezer storage in the consumers home. (https://www.benjerry.com/values/issues-we-care-about/climate-justice/life-cycle-analysis.)


-more males than females buy this -most popular among buyers >24- 34 years old -Caucasians purchase this most followed by Asians, then African Americans and then Hispanics -more popular among buyers without kids -Most popular buyers tend to have an income of $80K to $125k+ -most popular among college graduates specifically those with an advanced degree. (https://infoscout.co/brand/ben_n_jerrys) -ben and jerrys is sold in 35 different countries -the company makes changes to the marketing and flavors depending on the location its being sold ("How Ben & Jerrys Took Both Its Ice Cream and Mission Global.", 2018)


-10% of the 2lbs of co2 emissions used to create each pint is caused by freezer storage in stores and distribution centers.(https//www.benjerry.com/values/issues-we-care-about/climate-justice/life-cycle-analysis) -14% of the 2lbs of co2 emmissions come from outbound transportation of the product to distribution centers and retail stores (https://www.benjerry.com/values/issues-we-care-about/climate-justice/life-cycle-analysis.) The pints are delivered to 38 countries (Schug, Debra. 2017.)


C02 Emissions

-52% of the 2 lbs of co2 emissions used to create one pint is caused by the production of the materials used in the ice cream -7% of the 2 lbs of co2 emissions is from the production of the product itself. -10% of the 2 lbs of the 2 lbs of co2 emissions used to create each pint is from the emissions associated with creating the packaging material. -3% of the 2 lbs of the of co2 emissions used to create each pint is caused by inbound transportation of ingredients and packaging materials to the factories. (https://www.benjerry.com/values/issues-we-care-about/climate-justice/life-cycle-analysis.)

Labor Conditions

"The lowest paid hourly worker receives 46% above the living wage; Offers supplemental benefits to employees, including health & wellness program, counseling services, community garden, and free product." (B Corporation,2012) -Labor wages are "livable wages" that change as economy does. (https://www.benjerry.com/values/how-we-do-business/livable-wages/.)

Material Resources/Locations

-"fair trade certified-worldwide movement working to ensure that small-scale farmers in developing nations can make it in the ultra-competitive global marketplace" -fair trade sugar from Belize and other small scale farmers -fair trade cocoa from the Ivory Coast -fair trade vanilla from Madagascar -fair trade coffee Mexico -fair trade bananas from Ecuador -help small-scale farmers and their communities be successful and survive (www.benjerry.com/values/issues-we-care-about/fairtrade) "The St. Albans plant is one of three Ben & Jerry's processing facilities; the others are located in Waterbury, Vt., and Hellendoorn, the Netherlands."( Schug, D. 2017)