von haryati ghazali Vor 13 Jahren
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DISADVANTAGES: -2 parent plants needed -have to depend on external factors ; insects, wind -more energy +pollen wasted than self-pollination
ADVANTAGES: -Offspring may inherited beneficial qualities from both parents -more seeds produced > longer survival b4 germination -higher genetic variations > increases chance of survival of the changing environment
FEATURE OF C.P PLANTS: -stima & anthers mature @ diff timings -stigma may be found further away than anthers -DIOECIOUS plants bear either male OR female part so NO self polliination
Transfer of pollen grains from 1 plant to the stigma of a flower in another plant of the same kind.
feature> insects vs. wind pollination : Petals > bright coloured petals : small & dull nectar > present : absent scent > sweet-smelling : absent stigma > small&compact : large & feathery pollen > large amount & surface : more+smooth nectar guides > present : absent
DISADVANTAGES: -Offspring may become weaker, smaller+ less resistant to dieseases -Offspring the same as parents -less adapted to changes in the environment
ADVANTAGES: -1 parent plant needed -not dependent on external factors ; insects, wind for pollination -less energy require than cross-pollination
FEATURES OF S.P PLANTS: -have male & female parts maturing @ the same time -stigma found right below anther
Transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma of diff/same flower of the SAME plant
FEMALE PARTS: Carpel (pistil) : consist of ovary, style & stigma
Style: -connects stigma to ovary -holds stigma to trap pollen grains
Ovary: -contains 1/>1 ovules
female gamete: [ovum]
-produced by meiosis-> haploid -ovule attach to placenta by a stalk (funicle)
Stigma: -receives pollen grains -secrete a sugary fluid > stimulate the pollen grain to germinate
MALE PARTS: Stamen: consist of anther & filament. (androecia)
Pollen Grains: -contain haploid no. of chromosomes
each pollen grain has 2 nuclei >Generative nucleus >Pollen Tube Nucleus(vegetative nucleus)
Filament: holds the anther to disperse pollens
-contains vascular bundle. >pholem >xylem
Anther: -2 lobes-->2 pollen sacs - produce pollen grains
petal: together make up COROLLA
insect pollinated: -brightly colored -platform for insects to land.
Receptacle: enlarge end of the flower
Pedicel: -flower stalk
*flower w/o pedicel, attached at base. this is called SESSILE