von Hannah Sangster Vor 4 Monaten
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BT corn
pair of molecular scissors and can cut DNA and edit genomes
can aid in curing/treating a range of medical conditions
water use down by 96%
greenhouse gas emissions down by 96%
land is decreased by 99%
hospital to recieve antibiotics and fluids through an intravenous line
incubation period - depends on type of pathogen causing it
transmitted when people infected cough, sneeze or talk
sends respiratory droplets into air
streptococcus pneumoniae
incubation period - 2-3 months
surgery, cryotherapy, podofliox etc
spread through intimate contact
genital-skin during sexual acitivty through tiny breaks in the skin
not spread through blood or body fluid
human papillomavirus
viruses always cause harmful effects, bacteria can be useful and dont always cause harm
viruses don't fit in any kingdom of life
viruses are non-living, bacteria are living
no nucleus, yet still contains genetic material
both prokaryotic
both can cause disease
both can be considered pathogens
Bacteriophage Life Cycle
release (lysis)
host cell lyses and releases new viruses
viruses assemble
phage DNA replicates and makes new virus parts
the viral DNA enters the host cell
the phage attaches to the surface of the host cell
infects bacteria
the host is bacteria specifically
nucleic acid
can be RNA or DNA
protein coat/capsid head
are unable to function outside of a living host cell
animals, plants, fungi, protists & bacteria
they are all hosts of viruses
viruses infect all types of organisms
due to being non cellular
specifically targets bacteria (no other body cells)
due to having cells
exponential growth if bacteria has correct nutrients and conditions to grow
they impact they have on human life
the antibiotics used to treat them
their Gram Stain
either gram-positive or gram-negative
their shape
e. coli
referred to as bacilli
referred to as cocci
the temperature they can survive in
the food they eat
make their food using either photosynthesis or chemosynthesis
energy comes from eating other organisms/organic carbon
the environment they live in
live in alkaline environments up to pH 10-11
live in environment as acidic as pH 1-0
anaerobic bacteria
grows in the absence of oxygen
aerobic bacteria
grows in the presence of oxygen
viruses or harmful bacteria
amino acids - meth, alu
coding DNA - ATG GAA
template DNA - TAC CTT
depends on overall function
Ribosomal RNA
along with protein, makes up the ribosome
Transfer RNA
transfers amino acids to the ribosomes where proteins are made
Messenger RNA
produced in the nucleus but travels through the pores in the nucleus, into the cytoplasm
copies DNA's code and carries the genetic information to the ribosomes
used to carry a message based on the DNA
mRNA will be complementary to DNA
RNA polymerase binds the DNA just before the genes
separates the two strands - closes just behind it
like a zip
eg. ATG becomes AUG
when the DNA code becomes RNA code
the RNA bases (A,C,G,U) are grouped in threes
known as codons
the DNA bases (A,C,T,G) are grouped in threes
known as triplets
takes place in the nucleus
translating the mRNA sequence into an amino acid chain
amino acid chain = polypeptide
takes place in the cytoplasm (at ribosomes)
used to transfer genetic code from nucleus to the ribosomes
to make proteins
uracil (u)
ribose sugar
transmission of genetic information
to make other cells and new organisms
long term storage of genetic information
thymine (t)
cytosine (c)
guanine (g)
adenine (a)
phosphate backbone
deoxyribose sugar
double helix
phosphate, sugar (deoxyribose or ribose) and nitrogenous base
nitrogenous bases - A, G, T, C and U
A and U in DNA and RNA
G and C in DNA and RNA
A and T in DNA
the nucleotide is the monomer (subunit) of nucleic acid
DNA and RNA molecules
through cell division
no nucleus
have circular DNA
holds organelles
gell-like substance
provides the cell with support and shape
controls what goes in and out of cell
Rigid, structural shape
Endoplasmic Reticulum
protein synthesis
controls entry and exit of substances
Large vacuole
turns sunlight into energy
responsible for photosynthesis
Cell wall
protects cell
provides cell with support and shape
Contains linear DNA
Golgi Body
involved in transporting materials
packages and transports materials around the cell
protein synthesis
"powerhouse of the cell"
provides energy for a cell to move and divide
Endoplasmic reticulum
protein production, protein folding, quality control
passageways that carry proteins around the cell
steroid/hormone production
site of lipid (fat) manufacture & metabolism
Plasma membrane
controls entry and exit of substances from the cell
Small Vacuole
commonly filled with fluid and waste
a vesticle enclosed by a membrane
transports undigested materials to plasma membrane
breaks down and digests waste
not host cell
once it penetrates the host, it dissembles
freeing its genetic material to translate new viral proteins
when microbes evolve mechanisms that protect them from antimicrobials
bacteria that are resistant to several types of bacteria
causes of antibiotic resistance
lack of new antibiotics being developed
lack of hygiene and poor sanitisation
poor infection control in hospitals & clinics
over-use of antibiotics in livestock and fish farming
patients not finishing treatment
over prescribing of antibiotics
causes naturally, through genetic changes
1. a few drugs are resistant
2. antibiotics kill bacteria causing illness susceptible/sensitive
3. drug resistant bacteria are not allowed to take over
4. some bacteria give their drug resistance to other bacteria
more potential to make superbugs
not viruses or fungi
by blocking essential processes, killing them or stopping them from growing/multiplying
eg. door handles and hospital equipment
define section of DNA to be cloned
can bracket target sequence
will add the nucleotides to make new copies of DNA
heat resistant polymerase enzyme
taq polymerase
self replicating
small supplemental circles of DNA
ligase acts as tape/glue
not easy to join back together
blunt ends
can bind to any complementary DNA
sticky ends
the site where the restriction enzyme will cut DNA at a specific sequence
to isolate sections you want
using a 'ladder'
can make it easier to determine the size/length of an unknown DNA through comparing it to known DNA lengths
DNA will move towards positive charge
long pieces travel slow and lag behind
small pieces of DNA travel further
DNA is negatively charged
will protect the user from electric shock
is a conducter