Kategorien: Alle - stress - attachment - survival - behavior

von Alexander Sadler Vor 16 Jahren


Bowlby & Evolutionary Theories on Attachment

The text explores various aspects of attachment theory, particularly focusing on the relationship between infants and their caregivers. It delves into Bowlby's evolutionary theories, emphasizing the importance of certain behaviors and mechanisms that infants use to form and maintain secure attachments.

Bowlby & Evolutionary Theories on Attachment

Bowlby & Evolutionary Theories on Attachment

Critical Period

A certain time in the infants childhood where strong bonds are much more likely to take place

Seperation Stress/Anxiety

Discomfort is shown when the infant is:
Carer ignores the infant
Taken away from the carer

Secure Base

Often shown when the infant checks to see if caregiver is still within close proximity when exploring nearby area's
The caregiver has a proximity where the infant is safe to explore the surrounding area

Safe Haven

Returning back to the caregiver if faced with:

Proximity Maintenance

Infants (and adults) will keep close to people who they are attached to


Infants will try to engage socailly with the caregiver to ensure a tight bond is made
Infants are naturally inclined to help caregivers in everyday scenario's


Infants are given a set of behaviours that are designed to call the mother to its side:

The Internal Working Model

Also effects future attachments and effects how the infant or adult will react in socail situations
Tells the infant if it can rely on its caregiver to give it support in times of stress etc
A set of expectations developed by the infant's attachment to its caregiver


Childs schema of caregiver:
Gives Protection
Gives Shelter
Gives Affection
Gives Food
Packets of information contained in the memory


Proven to be utter shite
Based on care given
Child develops a heirarchy of caregivers with one primary

Interaction Between Caregiver and Infant

Infants will not form bonds through stress or pain releif, a carer has to be consistant to win attachment
Needed for survival
Without interaction attachment is not ensured

Adaptive attachment

Ensures species survival
Infant attaches itself to caregiver for resources

Socail Releasers

Designed to get caregiver's attention
Behavior such as smiling, crying etc