Kategorien: Alle - monarchy - parliament

von Davide Loreto Vor 4 Jahren


British Governament

The British government operates under a constitutional monarchy, where the monarch, currently Queen Elizabeth II, holds significant ceremonial roles and certain powers. The Queen has the authority to open and close Parliament, appoint and remove the Prime Minister, and serves as the head of the Anglican Church.

British Governament

Argomento Flottante

British Governament

2 most elected partys

Conservative party
Labor party

Queen (Queen Elizabeth II)

She can open and close the parlament
She can appoint and remove the prime minister
She is the head of the Anglican church

Is a costitutional monarchy made of 2 houses

House of Lords
bishops, archibishops, nobles, prime minister and people who belongs to the royal family (ereditary)
House of commons
Elected by people