Kategorien: Alle - children - production - culture - roles

von RC - 10MS - Applewood Heights SS (2152) Vor 5 Jahren


Canadian Families by: Renelle

The concept of family in Canadian society has evolved significantly over time, influenced by various social and economic factors. Traditionally, the nuclear family model, with a mother, father, and two children, was predominant.

Canadian Families     by: Renelle

Canadian Families by: Renelle

My Family

2 lone parent families: unfortunately 2 years ago my parents divorced and now live on their own.
Housing is very expensive in mississauga/ toronto
My parents both provide for my family and spend money accordingly.
My parents met right after high school who both came from two different world and different takes on life
Children taking on adult roles
My mom prepares my sister and I for the future by giving us roles and chores. for example every weekend we clean and do laundry, every Friday I clean the bathrooms and my room, sometimes I babysit my sister when my mom goes out and get paid for it.
by doing chores I receive money and save. I like to spend money on clothes, food, and fun activities. I now can treat myself every now and then while still being rational.
When I was younger i would always ask for a younger brother or sister so finally when I was 9 and half my parents had my little sister Jordelle who is now 6 years old.
No matter what at the end of the day I am happy that i have good supportive parents. even though they aren't together anymore, they both are always by my side for example when I wanted to audition for Cawthra Park S.S. for drama program, without their support I wouldn't have gotten in. they always show their love and support through all my extracurricular's like outdoor soccer, art and singing lessons.
My parents always made sure I has food to eat, clothes to wear and provided a shelter. Since I was one of the first born kids in my family, Id say a community helped raise me with love and care.
From a young age, my parents have always taught me right from wrong. As I began to grow up they slowly hanged back and let me be more independent and learn from my mistakes. Once my sister came, I acted as a role model and now tell her dos and donts

Indigenous families

Everyone grows and survives as a community instead of single households (extended family included+ neighbors)
Loss of culture once put through residential school (Loss language, traditions etc)
Kids were forced to go residential schools for 160+ years where they'd receive physical, emotional and psychological abuse
Men: protector/ in charge, Women: home nurturer, Elders: Teach, Children: Learn and help around
Elders past on knowledge unt ochldren and made up little stories to tell hidden morals and rules. elders were seen as wise and rolemodels to all
Father was main provider with the help of the kids and mother would cook
Had their own children and many of them
Family is very much connected and rely on each other to survive for example one sibling relies on the other sibling to do their role in order to accomplish theirs etc
Father is protector of family and main caregiver
Through physical abuse or rough consequences

Dominant Culture

Majority: Nuclear with one mom and one dad, one son and one daughter (and a pet)
Reasons for change
Divorce, debt/ poverty, family tragedy or death of a loved one etc
the average amount of kids went down from 3-5 to 1-2 ever since the baby boomers grew up. Now all the baby boomers are my generations grandparents.
1. Two working parents, provide money for family. 2. Stay at home Mom, cooks and cleans, Breadwinner Dad, provides money
children taking on adult roles
Help guide their children into young adults by giving giving chores and allowance money.
Production, consumption and distribution of goods
Parents would provide food, shelter and clothes for kids.
Addition of new members through proceation
Tend to have 2-3 children and/or adopt
Nuturance and love
Little things like showing affection through kisses, hugs and overall comfort.
Physical maintenece and care
Supports everyone in the family and helps guide them through tough times.
Social control of children
Act as good role models for future situations, give adivce on past mistakes