Kategorien: Alle - risks - cannabis - health - dependence

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Cannabis Info from Health Canada

Cannabis use carries various health risks, with the safest approach being complete avoidance. Long-term consumption can exacerbate or trigger anxiety and depression disorders and increase the likelihood of addiction or cannabis use disorder, especially with high-THC products like resin and hash oil.

          Cannabis          Info from Health           Canada

Cannabis Info from Health Canada

Cannabis for medical purposes

ome people use cannabis for their health problems. Deciding if cannabis is appropriate to treat your symptoms is best done in discussion with a health care provider.

Lowering your risks when consuming cannabis

The effects of cannabis on young people's health

Youth and young adults are more likely to experience harms from cannabis because their brains develop until about age 25. The earlier you start consuming cannabis, the more harm it can do.

Long term effects

Short term effects

Cannabis can impair your thinking, concentration, memory and decision-making, and can impact your ability to perform well on the job or at school.
Cannabis can cause drowsiness, slow reaction times, and lower your ability to pay attention. Using cannabis and then driving or operating equipment can result in an accident, serious injuries or death.