Critisim of Capitalism
Created "Scientific Socialism"This is the social, political and economic theory that they developed stating that we should spread wealth so everyone is equal but this idea will not work due to human nature to gain success.
Friedrich Engels
Liberals were against privliges of the upper class and the monarch. Believed that each individual should be equal
Had money thus became a political force
Factory Owners
Key Arguments
Karl Marx
Viewed Capitalism as one stage of human development which would be overthrown
Saw the free market economy as a way to keep workers wagers at a minimum so they could only afford to keep their families alive
Believed that wealth would only cause people to have more children resulting in the wealth getting used up and the majority of people would live in poverty, once again
Key Events
Abusive working environments
Protest group which would destroy factory machines that took their jobs
Demand for workers
Profit motive
Upper classes exploit working class
Working class paid to make goods which are sold for a profit
Government played a very small role in Capitalism
Citizens were independant and only relied on themselves for success
Industrial Revolution
Workers protested because new technolgy was replacing them
Due to Capitalism there was a demand for new materials and efficent methods to complete tasks. To meet these demands new technology and methods were developed to complete tasks.
Before Capitalism there, this system was in place . Government had power and thought that in order for a country to becoem wealthy they must export more than they import
Free market, which means there is little governemnt restrictions, privately owend businesses and individuals are free to trade as they wish
Key Thinkers
Adam Smith
He descibed how all the values of Capitalism would benefit the citizens as well and the Mother Land
Wrote a book called "An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations" which introduces the concept of Capitalism (1776)
Advocated an ecomonic system that was free from government control and open to free competition and trade
The attitude of obtaining material goods
Personal Responsibility
People are free to support themselves
Each individual is responsible for their own economic well being
The goal of outpreforming others
When money is made from a business or product