von Halle DaCosta Vor 6 Jahren
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A religion shouldn't be stuck in its old roots while the world is changing for the better
I think with modern changes with the religion more people will join and be proud to be Christian
I think that if Christianity doesn't change with the modern world and with society then many people will leave the religion
I think Christianity will adjust and change with the modern world beyond 2018
Attend mass every weekend
The Beatitudes
Teachings of Jesus
Gospel of Matthew
Sermon on the Mount
The 10 Commandments
Mount Sinai
Rules given to Moses, on a tablet by Jesus
Anointing of the Sick
Eucharistic ministers go to people who are unable to go to mass to give them the Eucharist
Holy Orders
Men and women choosing to go into the religious orders. eg, Priests and Nuns
When a man and woman become one together in a church
Confirming your faith and allowing the holy spirit to enter your lives
First Holy Communion
Being able to receiving the body and blood of Christ at mass
Being able to take part in the sacrament of reconciliation/confession. Confessing your sins to Christ and being truly sorry for them
Being sprinkled with Holy Water which cleanses the original sin off of the person
These days represent the 40 days Jesus spent in the desert before being crucified
40 days before Easter
Christians use this time to prepare and reflect before Christ's birth
4 weeks leading up to Christmas
Holy Week
Easter Sunday
"Resurrection Sunday"
An extremely holy day where Christians all across the world celebrate the resurrection of Jesus from the dead.
The next morning after Good Friday, Mary Magdalen, Mary mother of James, and Salome, found Jesus' tomb empty
One of the most Holy days in Christianity
Holy Thursday
This is the day that Jesus had The Last Supper with his apostles.
The Thursday before Easter
Good Friday
A holy day on the Friday before Easter
Christians commemorate Jesus' death and crucifixion on this day. We remember Jesus' journey to Calvary before being crucified on the cross which Christians believe to be their sins. Jesus was then buried in the tomb.
Many Christians fast on this day and spend the day in silence and prayer as they keep in thought Jesus' death
Christmas Day : December 25th
Jesus' birth which took place in a manger found in Bethlehem. jesus was born to his mother the Virgin Mary and Joseph.
Sex is for pro creation
Heresy is an opinion that is opposite of the majority or popular opinion
Medical factors
God made you the way you are
We should respect Gods creations (ourselves)
Life is given by God
God made you that gender
Man + Man and Woman + Woman
Man + Woman
No. I don't think a person needs to be Christian to inspire holiness
I think this because...
Being holy is to be good and have righteousness
I think that people who are not Christian can be good and have righteousness too
Any person can inspire holiness
Western Roman Catholic
Roman Catholic
Protestant Reformation
Newer Churches
Salvation Army
Jehovahs Witness
Association of Local Union Churches
Congregational Union Churches
Eastern Orthodox
Differences between Eastern Orthodox and Western Roman Catholic
Divorce is permitted under certain circumstances
Western: Divorce is NOT permitted
Priests being married
Priests may NOT be married
Eastern: Priests may be married
Western: Centered in Rome
Eastern: Centered in Constantinople
Western: Continued with the hierarchy set out by Saint Peter as the first Pope
Eastern: Didn't think there should be a Pope as head. Thought that Jesus is the only head of the church
Thought that this was theologically unacceptable because it wasn't part of the original understanding
Western: Added the words "to the Son" to the Nicene Creed
Eastern: Did not agree with the idea of a man made icon. Prayers should be directed to God
Western: Thought use of icons brought you closer to the idea or person praying
Eastern: Greek
Western: Latin
Czech and Slovak Orthodox Church
Georgian Orthodox Church
Romanian Orthodox Church
Greek Orthodox Church of Antioch
Greek Orthodox Church of Alexandria
Orthodox Church in America
Albanian Orthodox Church
Bulgarian Orthodox Church
Greek Orthodox Church Of Jerusalem
Polish Orthodox Church
Serbian Orthodox Church
Russian Orthodox Church
Church Of Cyrpus
Church of Greece
Eastern Rite Catholics
Of Byzantine Tradition
Of Chaldaean Tradition
Of Armenian Tradition
Of Alexandrian Tradition
Of Antiochian Tradition