Kategorien: Alle - drought - unemployment - relief - depression

von colby stevens Vor 5 Jahren


colbys mindmap

During the 1930s, known as the Dirty Thirties, a severe drought plagued the prairies, exacerbated by over-cultivation of the soil. This period, often regarded as the worst drought in history, coincided with the Great Depression, a time of widespread economic hardship.

colbys mindmap

the dirty thirties

great depression statistics

the suicide rates were through the roof
25% of workers were unemployed

the dole/pogey relief

government did not make it easy to get
relief pay to those who don't have any source of income
obtaining vouchers was a humiliating voucher

Mackenzie King's 5 cent speech

Canadian government should not give unemployment benefits to provincial governments in Canada with conservative leadership
kings speech was used against him by the conservative party

new parties offer solution(CCF Regina manifesto social credit, union national

to made eradicate the system of capitalism and replace it with a planned socialist economy

provincial equalization payments

its payments that the federal government gives less wealthy Canadian provinces

prime minister Bennet

he gave the people promises he could not fill
cars pulled by horse were the Bennet buggie
he became the focus of anger during the depression

relief camps

to provide medical and shelter for the homeless
designed to provide employment

the stock market crash

London stock market crashes in September, starting the 12 year great depression

the on to Ottawa trek

it was an important step towards unemployment insurance and welfare
helped build a safety net

what caused the great depression

stock market crash

USA/FDR new deal

reforms the industry, agriculture, finance, waterpower, labor and housing
immediate economic relief

dust bowl drought on prairies

over cultivating the soil also played a part in the drought
it was considered the worst drought in history

rise of hitler and the Nazi party

he rose to power as chancellor of Germany and later the leader of Germany
hitler was a German politician

protection and tariff barriers

it increased tariffs on imports
reduced American imports and exports