von María Paula Vor 2 Jahren
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Autos = Self
Bios = Life
An autobiography is the author's retelling of their life. This is written in first person and the author is the main character.
Add both your personal and professional accomplishments.
Cualifica como se ha de entender el mensaje
Designa el tipo de relación entre emisor y receptor
Contenido Semántico
Add the things you like and make you a happy person!
Determinadas Acciones
If there is something that you definitely don't like, add it here!
Un mismo efecto,puede responder a distintas causas.
Forma de Interconexion entre los miembros del sistema.
El Cambio de uno de los Miembros afecta a los demás.
Hay Intercambio de Energía y/o Informaicon con su entorno.
Add the places you have worked. Additionally, you can mention what you learned from each of them.
Add the institutes where you got your degrees.
Definibles y a su vez modificables.
Dificiles de alterar en un momento dado.
Difíciles de determinar.
Familias Desligadas
Familias Aglutinadas
What and who made you who you are today?
Add information about your family. Usually, the mother's maiden name is written.
Additionally, you can add their age.