Kategorien: Alle - empathy - literature - emotions - identity

von Damian Oshkabewisens Vor 5 Jahren


Constructing Identity

Reading enables a deeper understanding of oneself and the world by shedding light on the complexities of human nature. It offers insights into why people, despite their differences, share common traits and emotions such as greed, jealousy, and good or bad intentions.

Constructing Identity

"How might reading change my understanding of myself and the world?"

Constructing Identity


Otherness: The concept of otherness has been used to exclude individuals or groups of people who do not fit into society.

Why study literature?
It helps me understand and appreciate the workings of the human nature. Why people are different and yet they are the same. It helps me understand and appreciate the workings of the human nature. Why people are different and yet they are the same.
The House on Mango Street

evidence from the text


“They only see us when we do something they don't want us to do, Mahmoud realized."

"The Other Family"
Mother fears that her daughter will not accept herself.

The daughter draws a picture of her family that is white.

Why Study Literature

When I read carefully and investigate the writer's craft in his/her choice of themes, subject matters, use of words and so, I become a better reader and will be able to progress creatively as a result, in the way I form opinions about things and people around me. I will become a more caring, accepting, and open-minded person than I am now.
When I read carefully and investigate the writers craft in his/her choice of themes subject matters etc I become a better reader because of multiple reasons such as when I remember or get reminded or old memoried I rebuild them in a different way after remembering so not only does it allow me expand upon past learning but I expose my self to a new style a new perspective on things and thus be able to be open-minded to different kinds of ideas or concepts or even keeping me away from the danger of a single story and as I formulate opinions about things and people around me I will become a more caring accepting open-minded person than I am now because reading is how we download information into our minds
Literature allows me to enter the world created by the writer and help me feel more aware of myself as a human being.
Harry Potter is a great example the book alone is great because of the use of imagery it can paint pictures in my mind that are easily understood and thus can help me to formulate an opinion on the piece of literature work and can make the theme more clear or at least more transparent. ( before instructions ) Reading can help me be a more intelligent person by increasing my ability to remember memories and can develop my empathy by the abstract process of the plot line and putting my self in the characters shoes Reading can make me a happier more aware person according to Josie Billington at the University of Liverpool who surveyed 4,164 adults and found that people who read consistently were more aware of social issues and cultural diversity plus has better chances at coping with challenges Reading can help protect my memory from dementia-like Alzheimers
Literature concems humanity. I want to deepen my knowledge and understanding Of myself and the people around me.
'm confident in my ability to read people and figure them out quickly but naive in what I actually know. But reading about how emotions can impact someone's decisions and the idea of emergence complexity arising from simplicity humans are only a reflection of what they have experienced and or thought of. But it’s a useful skill being able to read people and be situation-ally aware and being able to prevent possible catastrophes. So far I've learned the human condition Is garbage it is not efficient but my opinion. Reading has taught me we are capable of change whether we like or not and that people aren't scared of being inadequate they are scared of being powerful beyond measure Thoms
I will be able to develop a real and sustained interest in reading the written works of good writers of Literature in English
could totally sit down and enjoy some shake spear or something but I can always find the value in work but you can't take the good without the bad but once a mind is stretched by a new idea it can never return to its original dimensions
I Will be able to understand and appreciate the craft of the writer in his/her final presentation of his/her work
I will be able to understand and appreciate the craft because I can recognize the hours of work and effort put into creating the piece this and I can formulate my own opinion as the story progresses with the understanding of the theme and how it progresses and I can pick up on the attitude of the writer and I can identify various English aspects such as similes, metaphors, word choice, tones eg angry sad. So literary devices, tones, word choices, choices about the structure of the writing eg chapters, maps, poems, diaries, letters, etc. Choices made for formatting use of bold, italics, and other text features.
It Will help me do better in my English Language Paper (N)
A writer would normally say their profession is reading this has some truth because they need understanding about the field they are in and to create understanding is to practice so they read to create understanding of particular themes or ideas to then implement into their own stories whether this would be vocabulary or actual writing techniques but books can paint images or teach you life lessons it all depends on the writer and their ability to use transition words or phrases to connect ideas or simply to describe a concept or action to do this they need to study aka reading you can't take a test and expect 100% without knowing the content inside the test. Not only this but reading regularly has metacognitive benefits and just cognitive benefits in general and learning new languages also have these benefits and allows you to communicate to a larger group of people around the world but they also create new opportunities both good and good because it depends on what you learn and expose your self to
Ideas, values, concepts, thoughts leamed through the texts have universal applications. They become part and parcel of my personal Knowledge in making sense of the world.
So when I read I usually find phrases or words I can make a connection to like the idea in biology that lakes have a set amount of food and life capacity and that as time goes on the lake matures and biodiversity increases and more nutrients are added for a larger life capacity and that cities are designated before they are even planned like all major cities are within 100 km of the ocean to make for easy trading because transferring resources by land is less effective than by sea or that efficiency increases consumption I can read books or quotes to make my mind think about deeper ideas and where or how they could be applied later in life.
It will help me become a better and more effective user of words in the English Language.
The theme in Thoms is the power of words vignettes are like poems with few words but powerful ones. How can it develop my communication skills? Reading can help me become a better reader by practicing words on the daily constantly expanding my vocabulary and sharpening my timing and precision on using words and phrases I do not personally read a wide diversity of things because I am interested in things that will help me the idea of effectiveness and innovation I want to learn and use the things that benefit me the most but English is comprised of multiple languages like German and Latin it is statistically the hardest language to learn with seemingly limitless uses and styles being able to orally communicate an idea of concept is a key skill where would the world be if we didn’t know how to talk or communicate other than this what is English enabling me to do right now? I am able to socialize and communicate with fellow peers and teachers with moderate effectiveness there quite a few misconceptions about me frequently but at the end of the day I don't know care for the negative thoughts that don’t do a thing for me but only slow me down or prevent me from obtaining my goals but the English language is very powerful with plenty of verbs and subjects with almost countless adjectives there are plenty of ways to describe an action or event like I seen a blazing red sunset this describes the earth doing a rotation with the horizon being almost out of view and the hydrogen reacting with our atmosphere creating the image of a sun with a red tinge to the naked eye like it's great.
It helps me understand and appreciate the workings of the human nature. Why people are different and yet they are the same.
So everyone needs support however they perceive it to be this could be people it could be religion but religion is tricky because it requires a leap of faith so in this mindset you always have something to look forward to almost like a motivator the only way I can think about it and human nature is a big one everyone feels greed and jealousy but some people have good intentions and some have bad so when I read books I can build empathy and maybe convince myself the world is not so bad that it's not filled with murder and drugs and corruption so I sit down to read a book and I can see the beauty in the pain it’s a wonderful process but if I read about ways to integrate great corporation skills compared to religious books I would probably be nicer rather than maybe having prejudice or prior knowledge
I enjoy reading and I want to become a really good reader. When I read, I think. As I think, I grow and develop.
When I think of reading I think of growing as well but it can be miss leading because with the idea of effectiveness I think what can I be doing in this same time period that may or not help me more or give long lasting benefits and the question of whether the things I am learning are good or bad for my well-being in term of mental health it is good to have empathy and the ability to Communicate ideas and feelings because everyone needs a coping mechanism of some kind and support however they perceive help to be but let's think about purpose I am stuck between the idea of having a flow experience a life curated to my own liking but that can be hazy because ignorance is bliss if I think I have no problem I will not attempt to fix said problem and when small things aren't fixed they turn into big things and the idea of becoming something great which is achievable by any means so having a optimistic view on things seems to be the best bet rather than pessimistic if I grow with the idea of violence being my main problem solver it is not good but if I grow up with the idea of pain being the only thing to being change it becomes apparent quite literally anything is possible the best way to understand something is to create understanding of the individual components so I studied the components of the brain and human nature seem to be the biggest down fall as when something goes bad it can cause a chain reaction so it's better to be specialized rather than having a core idea imagine a world where there is common sense but with precision of a single life dedicated to a certain idea the things someone can accomplish once they put their mind to it is amazing they just need the right idea to arise to humans are only a reflection of everything they every thought of and or experienced so If I just expose myself to a system filled with violence it will slowly be engrained into my mind that is it good that is it the most plausible thing to do but a system filled with the idea of learning and improving then you create a person that Is a machine with one purpose learn which breeds ideas of all sorts weather that it would be good or bad the high way to hell is paved with good intentions someone who thinks they are intellectually superior might use manipulative tactics to control those around him or stay lone improvise adapt overcome

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