Kategorien: Alle - evaluation - vocabulary - reflection - strategies

von Tim Roach Vor 9 Jahren


Critical Reading

Encouraging students to reflect in writing on how various strategies enhance their comprehension is vital. The process includes marking the text by circling key terms, names, places, and dates, underlining the author'

Critical Reading

Writing and Drawing in the Margins


 What is the author saying here?  What is the author doing?  What do I understand so far?  What is the purpose of this section?  What do I agree/disagree with?


 How does this relate to me?  How does this idea relate to other ideas inthe text?  How does this relate to the world?


 State what the paragraph is about.  Describe what the author is doing.  Account for key terms and/orideas.

Respond (with or to)

 Interesting ideas  Emotional arguments  Provocative statements  Author’s claims      facts, data, and other support


 Define key terms.  Reread sections of the text.  Analyze or connect ideas in the text.  Paraphrase or summarize ideas.


 How can I draw this concept/idea?  What visual and/or symbol best represents this idea?

Marking the Text

Underline Author's Claims or Relevant Informtion

Circle Key Terms, Names of People and Places or Dates

Number the Paragraphs for Reference

Pausing To Connect

Should Be Done Collaboratively

Model Identifying Connections Within the Text

Visually connect Ideas with Arrows, Lines, or symbols

Students Should Be Asked to Reflect in Writing How Any Strategy Used Improved Their Comprehnsion



Extend Beyond the Text

Figure Out How This Text Resonates With Other Texts, History, Current Experiences, and Events in the World
Synthesize Multiple Interpretations or Multiple Textx
Examine the Meaning of Text and Evaluate it's Significance

Interact With the Text


Make Connections to Prior Knowledge or Build Background Knowledge
Identify the Structure of the Text and Determine Strategies
Ask Questions or Make Predictions

Build Vocabulary

Identify Words/Phrases That Require Repeated Practice and Study
Learn New Words in Context Within the Reading
Build Background Knowledge About Important Words Encountered in the Text

Plan For Reading

Students Develop a Plan for Reading the Text
Students Deconstruct Reading Prompt or Task
Teacher Planning and Prompt Creation