Kategorien: Alle - evaluation - stress - anxiety - relaxation

von Goodman Mkhatshwa Vor 10 Jahren


Examination Skills

Managing exam stress involves addressing physical, mental, and emotional symptoms that can hinder performance. Physical symptoms may manifest as headaches, backaches, and changes in sleep and eating habits, while mental symptoms include trouble concentrating and forgetfulness.

Examination Skills

Examination Skills

Mathemstics, statistics and accounting exams. Prepare well in advance for these exams, study every day and work on previous exam questions to work through as many questions as you possibly can. During the examination, read questions carefully with understanding , write your answers step by step neatly and legibly and if you get stuck in a problem, move on and come back yo it later when you have completed all the other questions you could complete.


Before Examinations. Use your time productively, prioritize what you study, plan before you study . Listen for clues from lecturers and tutors, especially the last session before exams. Arrange a group study session with fellow classmates, to clear doubts by mutual discussion. Identify problem areas in your work, work on test and exam papers and review your answers. Identify where you have lost marks until you have 100% for the paper.

Revision Revise during the term and do not leave for block week before the exam. Plan well in advance, make sure you have effective summaries of the learning material, make use of flash cards to memorise facts, do not use surface learning to memorize facts, practice answering questions, prioritize topics nearer to exam time and do not ‘spot or gamble on particular questions. Be prepared. Make sure you have the write date, time and venue of your exam. Make sure you have all your stationery, plan your transport

After examination Evaluate yourself, did you revise efficiently? Did you run out of time, if you did, why? Did you understand all the questions? After every examination, write down everything you have wasted time on.

During exam Avoid stress talk outside the hall, avoid distractions and do not take notes into the hall, read the exam instructions carefully. Read through the entire paper once you have received it, read through the instructions, jot down keywords next to questions as you read through them, pay attention to mark allocation at all times. Locate the easy and hard questions, begin with the easier questions. Read the questions three or four times to ensure that you understand the question . Write your answers in a systematic, more logical manner. Leave blank spaces after each question, in case there is something you would like to add if you remember something, make sure you have answered all questions before the end of the exam.

Morning Before exam Have breakfast, give yourself enough time to get to the venue and avoid panic talk just before the examination.

Exam Stress & Anxiety Exams sometimes overwhelm students and cause severe symptoms that have a negative effect when studying. Stress is related to words such as tension, pressure and worry. Stress is the reaction of a person to a problem or an event, e.g. exams. Stress is temporary & can be managed by overcoming the source of stress. Anxiety is a feeling of tension that goes together with stress. If stress and anxiety are not managed, they can become severe and lead to depression. Stress & anxiety can drive you to study to perform well in your studies.

Multiple Choice Exam Read question, hide the answer options and see if you can answer the question on your own. Read throughthe alternative answers and eliminate all the ones that you know are wrong. Take note of that include absolutes such as 'always' 'Never, etc. Manage your time carefully.

Open Book Exam Although the idea of an open book exam give you the idea that they easy, they are not. You must keep up to date with readings and assignments in class, prepare a brief, notes on ideas and concepts discussed in the book. Carefully select material you will need in the exam , anticipate model questions and organise your refernce material, your 'open-book'.

Essay Exam Analyze the question and answer it precisely and concisely. Present arguments in a logical manner, get right to the point and state your main point in the first sentence. Use the first paragraph to give an overview of your essay, use the rest of the essay to discuss these points in more detail , back up you points with specific information and examples, write with understanding of the question and make sure you write with compactness and clarity.

Prevention of Stress & Anxiety Get organized and plan well ahead, eat well and sleep well, Learn how to relax, avoid stressful situation, set priorities and realistic goals, be goal oriented and see life as a challenge.

Signs & Symtoms of exam Stress. Physical- Headaches, neck and backaches, trouble sleeping, change in eating habits, idegestion, diarhoea,chest discomfort, fast and shallow breath,and other health problems Mental- Trouble concentrating, irritability, forgetfulness and feeling mentally drained. Emotional- frustration, agression and disinterest in studies.

Stress & Anxiety Management. Do not sleep less- Eat, sleep, exercise and relax. Banish neurotic thoughs. Do not create limitations in your mind, they will create more stress. Focus on positive thoughts. Place oneself in a positive mind frame. Thought-Stopping techniques help you relax and focus calmly on the question again. Talk to yourself positively and tell yourself you're going to do your best. Relax and concentrae. Use a bridging object. A necklace or any other object that you associate with calmnesss and relaxation will help to keep you calm and relaxed.

The point of Study Scheduling is to ensure that you perform at your best, therefore, one must have a positive attitude to one's studies, must be very well prepared as well has confident when one prepares for exams. 3 types of Sceduling: Semester/Year Planner- Indicates test dates, Assignment due dates, Block Periods and Examination Dates. Could also include other important events (Social, Cultural, Sports and Personal Events). Weekly Planner- This is for during the term. Indicates class tim, study time, sleep, recreation, sleep and other commitments. Week Planner (Pre- Exam Period)- Weekly shedule during exmaination period and must be well planned. Times must be equally shared between all subjects. Goals must be set for each Time slot.