Kategorien: Alle - aggressive - rejection - conflict

von saifudin saifudin Vor 13 Jahren


Factors influencing John's behaviour

John's behavior is influenced by multiple factors across various developmental theories and psychological frameworks. Vygotsky's theory suggests that John's inability to perform tasks is exacerbated by a lack of support, while an external locus of control indicates he feels powerless to change his situation.

Factors influencing John's behaviour

Factors influencing John's behaviour

Vygotsky- Zonal of Proximal Development

teacher did not provide any support but just lament of his lack of effort
helpless and powerless in carrying out the task

Bronfenbrenner Bioecological theory

Conflict with family,in school or community could factor his development
mesosystem- no parent and teacher relationship to discuss/access/evaluate on John's problems.
chronosystem - parents divorce when he was young, led to him feeling unwanted.
microsystem- unsupportive parents and teacher, negative relationship with peers.

Needs were not met (Maslow's Hierachy of Needs)

rejections from friends and peers
doesn't feel loved by parents

Bamrind's parenting style


External Locus of Control

negative relationship with parents, peers and teachers

Violent and aggressive

Physically and verbally abusing peers during recess
unafraid of authority (walking towards principal's office)
negative experience at home, punished by his stepfather
lack of self-control
feels unwanted, helpless and frustated


not supported by teacher or peers
teacher is unconcerned and only addresses the surface of the problems
unmotivated in doing schoolwork
Lack extrinsic motivation from family