von Fathima Nawaz Vor 9 Jahren
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Bibliographies- http://www.orphannutrition.org/meeting-special-needs/severe-malnourishment/ 31/10/13 http://www.foxnews.com/world/2013/07/20/malawi-faces-food-shortage/ 31/10/13 http://www.iwacu-burundi.org/blogs/english/malnutrition-a-big-problem-of-young-children-in-burundi/ 8/11/2013 http://library.thinkquest.org/C002291/high/present/stats.htm 8/11/2013 http://anthropology.msu.edu/anp204-us13/2013/08/10/malnutrition-in-mali/ 8/11/2013
58% of children under 5 years old suffer malnourishment in Burundi. 3 out of 5 children suffer from malnourishment. All those children die. Not only poor people but rich people suffer from malnourishment. Every year 15 million children die of malnourishment. Malnourishment and hunger are not the same thing but they are connected.
10% of 13 million people in Malawi face hunger.
Not many people are eating the food required. But they are some associations trying to help Malawi for example www.americares.com
When they are food shortages and if you do not take in a lot of calories you can get different diseases like Gastric problems, HIV and very poor growth.