von Natalia sanhueza Vor 3 Jahren
Mehr dazu
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von Emerson Valenzuela
von diana fernanda ventura sanchez
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Type in the name of the book you have read.
Type the main events of the book, classifying them in: events from the beginning, events from the middle, and events from the end of the book.
Describe the story visually. Add a representative picture for each of them.
No sonría falsamente
Mantenga una expresión cordial y sonría
No exagere sus gestos
Conozca sus gestos nerviosos
Tenga vitalidad, refleje energía
Take notes while you read the book. Type here the resources, books, or websites that the author mentioned and you want to check out later.
Concentrar el contacto visual en un solo sitio
Ver las cámaras y no las personas
Mantener el contacto visual menos de cinco segundos
Parpadear lentamente
Dejar vagar la mirada
The main idea is what the book is mostly about.
Some tips to find out the main idea of a book easier:
Who is the author of the book? Type in his/her name.