Kategorien: Alle - rebellion - trade - slavery - war

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During the 19th century, the geopolitical landscape was shaped by significant conflicts and reforms. The struggle between the Greeks and Ottoman Turks in 1821 and the influence of the Congress of Vienna exemplified the era'



1821-Greeks vs Ottoman Turks

Congress of Vienna

German unification

German Confederation independent states, a “loose alliance” rivers, natural resources, coal set up zollverein
Today: BMWs, Audi Motors
Wilhelm was told he had to agree that no Hohenzollern/Bourbon will ever wish to become the King of Spain (Alfonso XII is made King)Wilhelm wrote up notes about the conversation. The notes were edited by Bismarck. The notes were then published. Outraged, the French demanded immediate war against Prussia.
The Franco-Prussian War changed the political landscape of Europe, Bismarck then secured peace treaties with both Austria and Russia
When Prussia troops formed, they were joined by men from every other German state.
Austro-Prussian War – 1866 Drive the Austrians out of the “unified Germany”
Prussia was demonstrating the importance of militarism: wars are easy, quick and victorious. Countries remembered this going into World War On
Austria declares war on Prussia Austria was crushed by Prussia in just seven weeks
Danish War – 1863 Prussia attacks Denmark along with the Austrians, Austrians gains Holstein and Prussia gains Schleswig
1848 – The Frankfurt Assembly
1848: German flag
Prussia uses “liberalism” in its economics”: laissez-faire trade

A laissez-faire northern trade alliance inspires people to trade more, the government gains taxes through trade and individuals get wealthy through trade

1848-nationalism is the focus
As Germany grew in power, European countries supported either England or Germany
Prussia and Austria are strongest German states
Germany is made up of 30+ separate states
had many nationalities
Germans saw themselves as one group
A powerful economy … but not unified

Balance of power doctrine

lasted 40 years

Great Britain

1837-Queen Victoria reigns
1884 – GB Maxim Gun (used in every colonial war in Europe, Africa, Asia)
1877 – GB to protect the Boers in S. Africa (Afrikaners of Dutch, French and German descent) from the Zulus and to repair the Boer Republic financially. GB “assumes” that a majority of Boers favor British rule and they annex the republic

1879 – GB Using Gatling guns, the British overpower the Zulus in S. Africa

1876 – GB Queen Victoria is named Empress of India
1875 – GB part ownership of the Suez Canal
1871 – GB Life expectancy at birth in England has risen from 36 years in 1700 to 41 years
1870 – GB Diamond deposits have been discovered in southern Africa
1868 – GB, F Tokugawa Shogunate in Japan
1867 – GB The Reform Act of 1867
1865 – GB crushes a rebellion in Jamaica
1863 – GB legislators respond to air pollution
1860 – GB Taiping Rebellion
1859 – GB Charles Darwin “Origin of Species”
1856 – GB, F Second Opium War
1854 – British declares war, Queen Victoria calls R sinful for staring the Crimean War

1855 – I allies with GB, F in Crimean War

1855 –Siam signs a trade agreement

1850-Public Libraries begin

1850-5% of ships are powered by steam not sail

1847-passes 63/hr work-week for woman and children
1840-occupies Yemen
1837-King William IV dies
1830-King William the IV reigns
1835-Mandatory Vaccinations
1834-"Abolition of Slavery Act"
1832-"Reform Bill" is passed
1831-writes liberal consitution
1830-King George IV dies
1824-Britain and US write a law to suppress slavery; the US legislators undercut the law and it fails

1820-King George IV reigns


1881-Czar Alexander II dies, Czar Alexander III reigns
Mobs attacked Jews; Jews fled Russia as refugees
1879-Widespread strike by industrial workers
1866-student tries to assassinate Tsar Alexander II
1865-captures Uzbekistan
1861-Tsar Alexander II issues his proclamation emancipating serfs
Only Russian spoken as well as Russian orthodox was the religion
1861- emancipated serfs
1855-Czar Alexander II reigns
1855-Tsar Nicholas I dies. Alexander II, makes peace with Britain and France. The Crimean War ends.
1853-Tsar Nicholas I of Russia goes to war against the Ottoman Turks to defend Orthodox Christians in Turkey and in Jerusalem. Crimean War lasts until 1856
1825-Czar Alexander I died, Czar Nicholas I reigns
1825-Decembrist Rising against the Czar
1823-Send troops to Spain to reestablish the monarchy of Ferdinand VII
Czar Alexander wanted more land and a warm water port after defeating napoleon
crimean war

france won


For Prussia, militarism is the key
When Wilhelm II became Emperor at 28, he was highly militaristic and autocratic.

Wilhelm saw the navy as the key to Germany: “Germany needs a place in the sun”

Fredrick the great uses military to remain strong
Wilhelm I (1861) and Bismarck sought greatness through militarism

Promoted Otto Von Bismarck

Fredrick the great
Use the military to remain strong

Militaristic aristocrat

Germanic kingdom
1879-Bismarck joins his Germany with Austria-Hungary in a defensive alliance.
1871-, France Bavaria agrees to unify with Prussia. France cedes to Germany Alsace and Lorraine
1870-France Bismarck unites the independent German states with Prussia. France opposes, Bismarck wants a showdown with France and tricks the French (Ems) into starting war. The Franco-Prussian War begins.
1866-Bismarck Wars for Unification (Denmark and Austria). In Austria, Bismarck uses “blitzkrieg”.
declairs war on austria
1862-Bismarck becomes minister-president. Representing Kaiser Wilhelm I, he declares that his government is to rule without the bundestag (parliament). Bismarck is a Junker (elite nobility)
bismark knew he was going to take everyything
1861-King Wilhelm I of Prussia (1861-1888) is a militarist He defeated anarchy in 1848 Became Kaiser at the age of 63
1850-frees peasants
1849-passes an education bill


1859-Cavour allies with Napoleon III to defeat the Austrians
1858-Young Italians try/fail to assassinate Napoleon III
1857- Giuseppe Garibaldi / the Italian National Association to fight for the unification of Italy
1855-Allies with Great Britain, France in Crimean War
1849-Garibaldi and Mazzini are in Rome with King Victor Emmanuel
1848-unsuccessful revolutions
began to form governments

middle class was rising and helping more

re-establishing monarchies
Italy = unhappy
1834-Garibaldi has an uprising and he is sentenced to death. Garibaldi escapes to South America
1831-Mazzini creates the “Young Italy” movement
divided after 1815


won crimean war
1871-Avaria agrees to unify with Prussia. France cedes to Germany Alsace and Lorraine
1870-Bismarck unites the independent German states with Prussia. France opposes, Bismarck wants a showdown with France and tricks the French (Ems) into starting war. The Franco-Prussian War begins.
1869-Suez Canal opens
1868-Tokugawa Shogunate in Japan
1863-Cambodia become a French protectorate
1862-Victor Hugo write Les Miserables. Hugo wants to inspire humanitarianism and wants freedom and justice for all
1853-Joseph Gobineau writes about racial “superiority”
1852-Louis Napoleon consolidates conservatives, ends parliament, crushes an uprising, establishes a dictatorship
1830-Invades Algeria for insulting a diplomat
1825-Louis XVIII dies -> Charles X
taliran comes late
1821-Napoleon dies
growth of nationalism

Napoleon was devoted to his country

Napoleonic code was still used
triggered German states to unify

since he was very set to unity all of europe


Klemens Von Metternich was oppressive
Had to flee to Great Britain
1871-independent of Germany
1867 A The Austria/Hungary Compromise. Hungary is separate.
Austria gained parts of Italy
1848 A Ferdinad dies
1848 A Franz Joseph I Austria/Hungary
1835 A Ferdinand rules Germany, Hungary, Croatia, Bohemia and parts of Italy
1835 A Francis I dies (Austria, Hungary, Bohemia, and 1st German Confederation
1831-Crushes I uprisings in Italy
1827-Austria versus Britain,Russia,France re: Greek Independence
1823-send troops to Spain to reestablish the monarchy of Ferdinand VII


congress of Vienna wants sea trade
Industrial revolution starts
rights acts

conservative vs liberal

potato famine
people flee to ireland
1863-The first subway system
1854- Clock Tower (Big Ben) represents industrialization
1854-cholera epidemic, a British scientist finds the source in a central London water well
1837- Queen victoria
victoria created perfection/reforms in 1839

childlabor laws, union laws, all liberal under victoria

her uncle William IV abolished slavery
1830-doubles its manufacturing output
1822-Capital crimes reevaluated
1821-Introduces electric motor
1819-Grants universal suffrage to males