Kategorien: Alle - distance - weight - age - frequency

von Gabriele Rinelli Vor 3 Jahren



The text provides an overview of various English interrogative structures used to inquire about different dimensions and quantities. For frequency, phrases like "How often" are used to ask about the regularity of activities, such as playing football.




How many = quanti?

Si usa con i "countable nouns" (sostantivi numerabili) ad esempio: How many students, pencils, apples, books etc

How many students are in the classroom?


How old = quanti anni, che età

How old is the Big Ben? It's 160 years old
How old is Peter?


How heavy = Quanto pesa?

Attenzione: per chiedere a una persona quanto pesa si dice "How much do you weigh?" (NON "How heavy are you?")

How heavy is your car?
How heavy is your English book?
It's 675 grams
How heavy is your schoolbag?


How long = quanto lungo

How long usato insieme al verbo take significa "quanto tempo" nella frase:

"How long does it take" = quanto tempo ci vuole?

Ad esempio "how long does it take you to go to school?"

It takes 5 minutes

How long is this road?
How long is river Po?


How deep = Quanto profondo

How deep is your love?
How deep is the Atlantic Ocean?


How much = quanto?

Si usa con gli "uncountable nouns" (sostantivi non numerabili) ad es How much water, milk, time, money, bread etc.

How much coffee do you want?


How often = quanto spesso, quante volte?

How often do you play football?
I play football twice a week


How wide = quanto ampio, largo.

How wide is a football field?


How high = quanto alto (riferito ad esseri non viventi, ad esempio montagne)

How high is Mont Blanc?


How tall = quanto alto (riferito in genere ad esseri viventi, persone, animali e piante; talvolta riferito a edifici)

How tall is the Eiffel Tower?

You can also say "How high is the Eiffel Tower?"

How tall is your brother?


How far = quanto dista?

How far is the cinema from the station?

How far is London from Paris?
How far is your home from school?