Kategorien: Alle - characters - racism - society - protests

von Tyler Walcott Vor 4 Jahren


I am Alfonso Jones

Alfonso Jones, a young bike messenger from Harlem, becomes the tragic focal point of a narrative exploring racial tensions and societal injustices. Introduced alongside a diverse cast, Alfonso’

I am Alfonso Jones

I Am Alfonso Jones Written by Tony Medina Illustrated by Stacey Robinson and John Jennings


Character vs. Society
Alfonso and the other characters in the book have to deal with the racism with cops and white people in there society and how they get treated differently compared to other minorities.

Point of view

It's a first person point of view because it's Alfonso's view that we're looking at in the story


In the middle of the story now Alfonso goes to the mall with Danetta to shop for cloths. But things go downhill when a white lady called the cops on him because she thought he had a gun in his hand. When the cops showed up and saw him they shot him with no hesitation or question what so ever.

Danetta had to watch Alfonso die right in front of her, once word got out on how a cop shot a 15 kid that didn't even have a weapon on him. People got enraged and started protesting for Alfonso news reporters were everywhere trying to get information about what happened that day.

The cops that killed Alfonso didn't get arrested which sparked even more outrage which caused more BLM protests to happen and continue. As all this is happening Alfonso sprit hasn't rested because there was no justice served, so his soul can't rest in peace.

Alfonso opens his eyes in confusion to see that he is on a subway train, seeing other black people around him. Alfonso says "where am I?" "Your dead my mellow" says Scobie. All the people around Alfonso are other black people that have died because of there skin colour.

The names of each of them are Scobie, Amadou Diallo, Eleanor Bumpurs, and Anthony Baez. Alfonso asked them "what happened to you guy" "we're here for the same reason why you're here" says Amadou. each one of them talks about how they died and there was no justice and there killers never got arrested.

The beginning of the story is just to introduce the reader to the large cast of characters in this book. Alfonso Jones is the main character as the story focuses on his friends, family, and life.

It starts off with Alfonso riding his bike though Harlem streets as a bike messenger. When he gets back home for dinner, after that Alfonso goes to bed for school.

At school Alfonso talks with his friends, goes to band practice, makes deliveries, and gets his messenger money.


Harlem street
Henry Dumas School of the arts

The Ghost train

Alfonso's house


Amadou Diallo
Eleanor Bumpurs
Punk E
Henry Dumas
Michael Stewart
Anthony Baez
Fred Oh
Alfonso Jones
Ishmael Jones
Danetta Jimenez
Cynthia Carmona
Reverend Velasco T.jones


The theme in the story is some what of a darker and serious tone, due to the more realistic connections to society.