von Jennifer Graber Vor 2 Jahren
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Joe = Jack's Windows 2017-18
Joe = Truck Driver 2017-2019
Joe = Substitute Teacher Feb-Jun 2019
Joe = Science Teacher Three Rivers Comm. Sch. 2019-present
Michigan Department of Education
Presented at the last in-person State School Improvement Meeting on Family Engagement in Lansing Nov. 2019
FAME Grant Award Winner 2015, '19, '20 Formative Assessment for Michigan Educators $15 value (unable to accept '19 & '20)
Soc. Emot. Learn. Leadership
COVID Recovery
Conscious Discipline
Led Remote CD Training for staff 2020
Reading/Writing Elementary Leadership
Curriculum committee
Professional Development
Led District Curriculum Team Meetings
Led District Data Team Meeting
Districtwide Elementary PD March & April
Math Instructional Leadership
Eureka Trainer Elementary
District Implementation Team for Multi-tiered Systems
Substitute Principal for 10 Weeks; covering two elementary schools at one time 2022
Peer Coaching
Summer School
Principal Summer School
Taught Summer School Grades 1st/2nd
English Language Teacher 3 yrs
District ELA Coach 1 yr
Adult Education 1 yr
GSRP Districtwide = 2 yrs Building = 3 yrs
All hands-on-deck at all times to support student learning
Bible Release offered during lunch to not disrupt learning times
Weekly Family Trivia nights 2020 (COVID Family Engagement)
Title 1 Family Advisory Team (FAT)
Meetings held monthly w/PTO to garner an audience
President of the PTO 2 years during COVID
Home visits to every child first 5 years
Improved teaching and learning through teamwork taking Norton from the lowest performing to the top in 2020-21.
Coached teachers in grant writing
Installed 6 above ground garden plots for each grade level with irrigation
Targeted Team Teaching Pilot K-3 (2018-21)
Created MTSS System for Norton 30-min ea. ELA/Math Suppt. EVERY child
Annual Alumni Picnics for 10 years
PTO Liaison
Family Engagement Focused
Provided PD to Elementary Math Teachers across 3 counties
Promoting Rigorous Outcomes in Math and Science Education) aligned math curriculum to Common Core Standards (2008 –12)
Data Reviewer for Interim Math Assessments Annually K-2
Michigan Online Resources for Education Later this became MeL (Mich. Ed. Library)
MACUL Presentations: 2006-8
Provided: Prof. Dev.: Ed. Tech. Integration
9-wk course for teachers
District Technology Team Lead Teacher
MI Champions Grant Award
Team of 6 teachers rec. Tech. Int. PD for 2 years
Core School Improvement Team: Data analysis
Title 1 Math Teacher K-2 Math Recovery Teacher
Elementary Math Instructional and Data Coach (2009 –12)
2006-9 1st Grade Teacher/Coach
2009-12 4th Grade Teacher/Coach
Monthly dinners with 3-5 families at our home
Home visits to every child
Taught Kdg Summer School
Masters Degree Educational Technology
Grant for digital projector
MACUL Presentation
District Technology Team
Provided Ed.Tech. Int. PD to teachers
Write Curriculum K-2: Ed. Tech. Int.
School Improvement Team
Lead in District School Improvement Presentation
Edison Schools (Charter for 3 years)
Entertained families every Sunday evening 15-40 people every time
3 Picnics a summer with 150 people over Plus Jen's class of students and family
Joe = Manager of the State Senate Majority Policy Office 1996-98
Joe = Pastor Grand Ledge Christian Center 1998-2000
Weekly activities with the Assisted Living Community to build relationships - shooting pool, teaching them solitaire on the computer, and planned a coup d'etat of the food services resulting in a Senior Leadership Team of advisors for food services.
2 services: Regular church + Nursing/Assisted Living Facility
Quarterly hosted 150-200 people for Church-sponsored weekend conferences Serving breakfast, lunch, and dinner