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Naomi: You're the only one who can beat him.
Campbell: I don't know the details, but it seems so. That's why we really need you for this mission.
Snake: I have a twin?
Campbell: Here's a photo of him. Pretty shocking, huh? His skin tone is a little different but otherwise you two are exact duplicates.
Campbell: I don't know his real name. That information is so highly classified that even I can't look at it.
Snake: I thought that by the time I left they were no longer using codenames.
Campbell: He was taken prisoner in Iraq, and after that there was no trace of him for several years. After you retired, he was rescued and became a member of FOX-HOUND.
Campbell: He fought in the Gulf War as a teenager, the youngest person in the SAS (British Special Air Service). His job was to track down and destroy mobile SCUD missile launching platforms.
Snake: Tell me what you know.
Campbell: Liquid Snake. The man with the same codename as you.
Snake: Liquid Snake.
Campbell: Yes and you're the only person who can stand against him.
Snake: Liquid Snake?!
Campbell: And finally, in charge of them, FOX-HOUND's squad leader Liquid Snake.
Campbell: And Revolver Ocelot, specialist in interrogation and a formidable gunfighter.
Campbell: Vulcan Raven, giant and shaman.
Campbell: Decoy Octopus, master of disguise.
Campbell: Sniper Wolf, the beautiful and deadly sharpshooter.
Campbell: Psycho Mantis, with his powerful psychic abilities.
Campbell: There are six members of FOX-HOUND involved in this terrorist activity.
Snake: So they're still around.
Campbell: An elite group combining firepower and expertise. They're every bit as good as when I was commanding them.
Campbell: Hi-Tech special forces unit FOX-HOUND. Your former unit, and one that I was a commander of.
Naomi: Yes, but those are just declarations not actual treaties.
Snake: I thought using genetically modified soldiers was prohibited by international law.
Naomi: Don't forget, they've all been strengthened with gene therapy. They carry genes which make them excellent soldiers.
Campbell: They started out as an anti-terrorist special-ops unit. Their purpose was to respond to threats involving next-generation weapons of mass destruction.
Snake: Tell me about these Next-Generation Special Forces.
Campbell: The others are Next-Generation Special Forces.
Snake: I wouldn't expect anything less from FOX-HOUND.
Campbell: The six members of FOX-HOUND in charge are all hardened veterans. They're tough enough to eat nails and ask for seconds.
Snake: What about they're battle experience.
Campbell: They're heavily armed I'm afraid.
Snake: How well-armed are these terrorists?
Campbell: Snake, we can't give them his body. It's potentially more dangerous than all the warheads on that island put together.
Snake: Priceless to the military perhaps.
Campbell: Yes, His genomic information is a priceless treasure to mankind.
Snake: So his body was recovered after all.
Naomi: That's right. We've been working feverishly to identify the genes responsible for his incredible combat skill. So far we've discovered about sixty of the so-called "soldier genes".
Snake: You don't mean Big Boss?!
Naomi: The man they call the greatest warrior of the twentieth century.
Snake: One of the greatest soldiers ever?
Naomi: And in order to do that, it's helpful to study the genomic information of one of the greatest soldiers ever.
Campbell: But it all depends on being able to isolate and identify those "soldier genes".
Naomi: Yes we could.
Snake: Okay, and so if you knew what genes were responsible for making the perfect soldier, you could implant them in the same way, right?
Naomi: and in the same time, splice in genes with beneficial effects such as resistance to cancer for example.
Naomi: I'll explain this part. With gene therapy, we can remove those genes which we know may lead to sickness or disease.
Snake: Gene therapy?
Campbell: Yes, and using gene therapy they're able to transplant those genes into regular soldiers.
Snake: There are genes that do that?
Campbell: You've heard of the Human Genome Project, the military has been working towards identifying those genes which are responsible for making effective soldiers.
Snake: Strengthened?
Campbell: The terrorists need them. You see these Next-Generation Special Forces have been strengthened through gene therapy.
Snake: Why would they want that?
Campbell: A person's remains. which contain the individual's genomic information.
Snake: So what exactly are they demanding?
Campbell: That used to be true, but since the end of the Cold War you can get anything if you have enough money and the right connections.
Snake: But even if they have a nuclear warhead, it must've been removed from its missile. All the missiles on these disposal sites are supposed to be dismantled. It's not that easy to get your hands on an ICBM (intercontinental ballistic missile).
Campbell: Because the DARPA Chief knows the detonation code.
Snake: Why not?
Campbell: A safety control system which uses a discreet detonation code. But even so, we can't rest easy.
Campbell: Yes. Every missile and warhead in our arsenal is equipped with a PAL, Permissive Action Link.
Snake: Isn't there some kind of safety device to prevent this kind of terrorism?
Campbell: I'm afraid so. At the very least, they've got their hands on a real nuclear warhead.
Snake: Was the number confirmed?
Campbell: They say they do. They even gave us the serial number of the warhead they plan to use.
Snake: Do they really have the ability to launch a nuclear missile?
Campbell: At her home in Los Angeles.
Snake: Where's she working from?
Campbell: She's built up an impressive record as an advisor to the Nuclear Emergency Search Team. Contact her if you have any questions. She's also an expert on hi-tech weapons.
Snake: A female analyst?
Campbell: I know. That's why I've requested the assistance of a military analyst named Nastasha Romanenko. She'll be providing you backup by Codec.
Snake: We need a nuclear weapons specialist. I'm just an amateur when it comes to nuclear weapons.
Naomi: You're welcome.
Snake: I guess I can call you when I'm ready to go on a diet.
Naomi: Benzedrine. It'll keep you alert and responsive for twelve straight hours.
Snake: It'll make smarter huh? Anything else?
Naomi: Nootropics. It's a class of drugs which will help improve your mental functioning.
Snake: Say what?
Naomi: I also put some nootropics in there.
Snake: Now I don't have to worry about food.
Naomi: There are different types which will replenish the supply of adrenaline, nutrition and sugar in your bloodstream.
Snake: Nanomachines?
Naomi: It's a combination of nanomachines and an anti-freezing peptide so that your blood and other bodily fluids don't freeze, even at sub-arctic temperatures.
Snake: By the way, what was that injection for?
Naomi: Make no mistake. I'm not a nurse. I'm a scientist.
Snake: You mean you've seen them naked?
Campbell: She was in charge of FOX-HOUND's gene therapy. She knows more about those men than anyone else.
Snake: That doctor. Is she part of this operation too?
Naomi: Don't worry this injection won't hurt a bit.
Naomi: No, civilian.
Snake: Are you military?
Campbell: Dr. Naomi Hunter. She's chief of FOX-HOUND's medical staff and an expert in gene therapy.
Snake: Who's this?
Naomi: Excuse me.
Campbell: Agreed. That's why I was called.
Snake: One, no more secrets between us. I want complete disclosure at all times. and two, I'll only accept orders directly from you, Colonel.
Campbell: Name them.
Snake: All right, but I have two conditions.
Campbell: That's what I trust about you. It's what makes you human. Please Snake. Save my niece Meryl.
Snake: With my personality I don't have too many friends.
Campbell: I'm retired. I'm just an old man now. And I'm your friend.
Snake: A personal motive, Colonel.
Campbell: She's my little brother's girl. He died in the Gulf War. Since then I've been watching after her.
Snake: She looks like you.
Campbell: Several soldiers were reported missing the day of the revolt. And my niece was one of those called in as an emergency replacement.
Snake: What was your niece doing here?
Campbell: My niece. Meryl.
Snake: Who is it?
Campbell: Okay Snake. Sorry. I'll be frank. A person very dear to me is being held hostage.
Snake: Colonel, you're a lousy liar. Tell me the real reason.
Campbell: I guess even though I'm getting a little old, I still love to be in the field.
Snake: Is that really the only reason?
Campbell: Because there aren't many people who know FOX-HOUND as well as I do.
Snake: Colonel, you're retired. Why are you involved in this?
Campbell: You're a natural born soldier. it's the same for all of us who've seen real action. The only place we can feel truly alive is on the battlefield.
Snake: Why should I be stupid enough to do that? I'm no patriot.
Campbell: You will accept this assignment!
Snake: Colonel, I don't work for the government anymore.
Campbell: 5 hours ago.
Snake: When did the countdown start?
Campbell: 24 hours. They say they'll launch after 24 hours.
Snake: What's the time limit?
Campbell: this is a one-man infiltration mission. Don't expect any official support. I'll instruct you by Codec after you reach your target.
Snake: Anyone going with me?
Campbell: Don't worry. That suit represents the latest advances in poly-thermal technology.
Snake: You want me to swim in sub-zero Alaskan water?
Campbell: After the SDV gets as close as it can, dispose of it. From there on you'll have to swim.
Campbell: We'll launch a one-man SDV (swimmer delivery vehicle).
Snake: And then?
Campbell: We'll approach the disposal facility by sub.
Snake: So someone needs to penetrate, gather intelligence, and report back, Sounds like a spy movie.
Campbell: The disposal facility includes a hardened underground base. Even with our most advanced intelligence gathering equipment, we can't tell what's happening inside.
Snake: Tell me about the nuclear weapons disposal facility.
Campbell: Well you can make up your mind after you hear more about the situation.
Snake: Questions? I haven't even said whether I'd accept this mission.
Campbell: Secondly, you're to investigate whether or not the terrorists have the ability to launch a nuclear strike, and stop them if they do. Any questions, Snake?
Campbell: and the president of ArmsTech, Kenneth Baker. They're both being held as hostages.
Campbell: You'll have two mission objectives. First, you're to rescue the DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) Chief, Donald Anderson.
Campbell: Now you understand how serious the situation is.
Snake: FOX-HOUND hijacking a nuclear weapon?
Campbell: I'm afraid so. You see, the island is the site of a secret nuclear weapons disposal facility.
Snake: A nuclear weapon?
Campbell: Next-Generation Special Forces led by members of unit FOX-HOUND. They've presented Washington with a single demand, and they say that if it isn't met, they'll launch a nuclear weapon.
Snake: What soldiers?
Campbell: Snake listen up. It all went down five hours ago. Heavily armed soldiers occupied Shadow Moses Island, a remote island off the coast of Alaska.
Campbell: You will take these orders. I know it.
Snake: I'm retired from FOX-HOUND. You're not my commander anymore, and I don't have to take orders from you or anyone else.
Campbell: we've got a serious situation here. Only you can get us out of it.
Snake: What do you want from me?
Campbell: It's been a long time Snake.