Kategorien: Alle - predators - preservation - extinction - habitat

von PriyaK 67 Vor 12 Jahren


Killer whales

Killer whales, also known as orcas, are apex predators known for their diverse diet, which includes fish such as salmon and even sharks. To ensure their survival, it is crucial to regulate or ban hunting practices that target these magnificent creatures for their meat, hides, and blubber.

Killer whales

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Killer whales

Created by Priyank.

Why is it important to preserve the specie?

It is important to preserve the specie beacuse every other animal depend on each other.

How can we preserve the specie?

We can preserve this specie by making killer whale hunting limited or illegal.

How have humans made an impact on them?

Fisher men have made a huge impact by hunting them. They hunt them for thier meat, hides and blubber.

Where do they live?

They are found in every ocean. In the summertime, they would move to the icy zones like the Arctic and Subarctic.

Are they predator or prey?

They are predators. They eat everything from fish to sharks. One of the main fish that they ate was the salmon.

Why are they on the verge of extinction?

They are on the verge of extinction because of commercial shipping, whale watching, pollution etc.