Kategorien: Alle - symptoms - mutation - medication - trial

von Wenlong Li Vor 8 Monaten


Malignant Haematology : Mastocytosis

Mastocytosis is a rare clonal and neoplastic proliferation of mast cells that can occur at any age, manifesting in various forms from dermatological lesions in children to severe systemic conditions.

Malignant Haematology : Mastocytosis

B Findings >30% bone marrow involvement and tryptase >200ng/mL Dysplasia or proliferation in other lineages, but does not meet definition of another myeloid neoplasm. And with relatively normal blood count. Hepatomegaly (without liver dysfunction), Splenomegaly (without hypersplenism), lymphadenopathy C Findings Mast cell infiltration related cytopenia (Hb < 100, PLT < 100, ANC < 1.0) Hepatomegaly with impaired liver function, portal hypertension, ascites. Osteolytic lesions (with or without fractures) Palpable splenomegaly with hypersplenism Malabsorption due to GI mast cell infiltrate.

Midotaurin (ORR 60%) Cladribine (ORR 50%) ?Avapritinib (ORR 77%) ?AlloSCT



Uncertain whether these medication actually change OS. Difficult to determine due to heterogeneity of patients with AHN. It is believed that OS is determined by AHN rather than ASM.

Major : Multifocal dense infiltrate (≥15 mast cells) in BM or extracut. organ Minor : 1) >25% spindle shape, or >25% immature/atypical in BM 2) KIT D816V mut (>90% +ve, nb other KIT mutation described) 3) Aberrant expression CD25 +/- CD2 4) Tryptase >20ng/mL unless associated with myeloid neoplasm.


Mast Cell Sarcoma

Systemic Mastocytosis (SM

Assess 'B' (Burden) and 'C' (Cytoreduction) Findings (See green box)

B Findings

C Findings

Associated with haematological neoplasm (SM-AHN)
Mast Cell Leukaemia (MCL)
Aggressive (ASM)
Indolent (ISM)

Cutaneous Mastocytosis (CM)

Mastocytoma of the skin
Diffuse cut. mastocyosis
Urticaria Pigmentosa