Kategorien: Alle - authority - headings - fields - indicators

von Kelli Bragg Vor 15 Jahren


MARC = MAchine Reada

Machine Readable Cataloging (MARC) records play a crucial role in library cataloging by providing a standardized format for representing bibliographic and authority data. Each authority record within MARC is divided into fields, which are further subdivided into subfields marked by delimiters and indicators.

MARC = MAchine Reada

MARC = MAchine Readable Cataloging Record

Using MARC as the standard allows libraries to share authority information and prevents duplication of work

MARC record carries the headings but does not set the rules

bibliographic record

contains information about an item

MARC Terms

Subfields: delimiters (characters: $,+, @) and a lowercase letter or a number
Indicators: 2 numbers following the fields, numbers (0-9); if #, then undefined
Fields: each authority record is divided into fields; they are represented by numbers instead of text

authority record

Authority Record has 3 Basic Components
Notes: contain general info about heading or specialized info (ex: citation)
Cross-References: directs user to a variant from ("see") or another authority record ("See also")
Headings: forms access point
establishes recognized form for an entity name; creates an ACCESS POINT in a bibliographic record
provides cross reference in catalogs
contains standardized forms for names, titles, and subjects used in bibl. records