Kategorien: Alle - marketing - advertising - pricing - agents

von Hector G. Diaz Vor 8 Jahren


Mike Ferry

In the competitive world of real estate, prospective clients often encounter varied pricing estimates from different agents, leading to confusion and skepticism. Some agents may manipulate data to present more favorable prices, aiming to secure listings from clients.

Mike Ferry


You don’t handle homes in our price range.”

I’d level shift…

“You’re right, I don’t sell a lot of homes in your price range and that’s exactly why

I’m here tonight…

“I usually sell homes in lower price ranges and what I find is…after I sell my

client’s homes, a great many of them move up to your price range, therefore, it

only makes sense…that the next logical step for me is to start to sell your price

range as well, considering I already have a relationship with many of the buyers

that will be interested in your home…does that make sense?”

“I want to find a house before I put mine on the market.”

“I agree, finding your new home is important and the unfortunate thing is…it may

take as long as three months for your home to sell. Then it will take another two

months to get all of the paper work done and, by that time, any home that you

would have found would already be sold.

“Let’s get the listing agreement signed right now and get to work on getting your

home sold tonight, so you don’t have to wait any longer than is necessary to get

moved into your new home…sound good?”

Top Agent Alternative:

“I understand your concern about your new home. I’ve brought you a list of

current listings that fit your need. Check these out and we will start looking. Once

this house goes under contract, we will put a contract on your #1 choice – Close

both homes the same day – One move for you! You are in good hands. I will take

care of you.”

Top Agent Alternative:

“Terrific! Have you seen a home or are you ready to make an offer on one?” (No)

“Great, let me go ahead and schedule a time with my lender and buyer/showing

agent. They can handle that for you. Let’s go ahead and write up the contract


You’re too busy, you have so many listings, and we want someone thatcan give us the attention we deserve.”

“I can appreciate that and you probably haven’t had a chance to think about the

advantage I have over my fellow agents in town…

“You see, the more listings I have, the more signs I have on the street. The more

signs I have on the street, the more calls I get from buyers…and, of course, most of

those buyers don’t buy the house they call about and many of them will be very

interested in our house.

“Can you see the advantage of listing with an agent that has 20-30 signs on the

street working for you?”

Top Agent Alternative:

“It’s funny you should say that…Benjamin Franklin said, “If you need something

done, ask a busy person.”

“How much advertising will you do, because I want a lot ofadvertising?”

“Passive marketing is holding open houses, sending out flyers and advertising in

the newspaper…

“You see, these methods are passive and you can’t predict if they will work or not.

Yet, agents that don’t want to work at getting your home sold will insist that they

have sold many homes this way…And do you know what?

“I agree, you can get a home sold that way…But, you can’t guarantee it. Do you

understand what I mean by passive, basically sitting around waiting to get your

home sold?

“Active marketing on the other hand is much more aggressive and very


“I will be on the phone every single day and call 10, 25, and 50 even 100 people

asking them if they would like to buy your home, if they know someone who

would like to buy your home or if they would like to sell their house…

“Do you know why I ask them if they would like me to sell their house?” (Why)

“You see, the more signs I have out in the community, the more buyers that will

call on those signs. The more buyer calls I get, the more people I can show your

house to…

“Now, which way, passive or active do you think gets more homes sold?

“Would you like me to spend all my time and effort doing what is proven to get

your home sold or would you like me to sit around with my fingers crossed hoping

a buyer happens to call?”

Top Agent Alternative:

“I advertise to the brokerage community; it has the qualified buyers for which we

are looking.” (Passive vs. active etc.)

“I’ll sell my home when the values go up!”

If a prospect has no reason to sell their house then that is a condition. You can’t

overcome conditions.

“If we have to sell that low we will sell it ourselves and pay 3% to theagent that sells it.”

“I completely understand your point of view Mr. And Mrs. Seller and it sounds

like you haven’t been involved in this kind of transaction in a while…can I tell you

why?” (Sure!)

“Agents work with buyers because it is easy. You show the house, the agent writes

an offer and the agent on the listing side handles the next three months of legal

paperwork trying to get the deal closed…Does that make sense?” (Yes)

“If you list it for sale yourself, who will follow up with the three months worth of

legal paperwork…you? If so, what agent will want to risk the fact that you have

never done it before?

“Let me ask you this…If you were an agent, would you rather show homes that

were listed with professional agents that worked to get deals closed?

“Would you rather show a home and keep your fingers crossed, hoping that you

don’t get sued by the buyers because some legal aspect was overlooked by the

homeowners and the transaction didn’t get done…Which would you rather do?

“Do you see my point?” (Yes)

“Your idea sounds valid. It just doesn’t fit into today’s “lawsuit-happy”

reality…I’m sorry. Are there any other questions I can answer before you sign the

listing agreement?”

Top Agent Alternative:

“That may sound good, but then nobody is pushing your property. If nobody

pushes it, nobody shows it. If nobody shows it, then I guess it won’t sell.”

“If I have to sell at that price, then I will sell it myself.”

“I can appreciate your frustration with the market place and I was wondering, what

specifically causes you to believe that you can sell this home yourself, when less

than ___% of the home listed for sale with Real Estate Agents are selling?” (I

don’t know…but, I can’t afford to sell at that price)

Ah-ha! The real objection comes out! Now dig more, find out the true motivation

and handle the objection the way I have already taught you.

Top Agent Alternative:

“No matter what you ask for, the homeowners are trying to save money by selling

their homes themselves. I can create more competition through the brokerage


Here’s a derivative of the same one…

“I need to net this amount in order to move, I have to be at my new jobin 90 days, but I can’t afford to buy a new home if I take a loss.”

“I can appreciate the position that you are in. Many people in our area are in the

same position and you know…I’m curious. Has there ever been a time when you

knew you were going to have to make a sacrifice?

“I mean, you knew it was going to be tough and in the end, after analyzing all of

your options, you realized that there was only one thing to do…Put our head down,

grit your teeth and go for it…

“But you found that in the end, it all worked out. You made it through the tough

times and life went on, maybe en better than before…

“Have you ever been there before?” (Well, yes)“This time is just like that time…as you can see, the competitive market analysis

shows that there is no way anyone is going to give you what you need to make this


“My question is this. Is it more important to get out from under this house, take

the new job and work through the tough times or are you in a position to keep

making mortgage payments on this house for a couple of years until property

values go back up?”…Help your prospects to see that they have probably been in

tough places before and made it through…and this time is no different.

“Why is your price so much lower than the other agents that we havetalked to? … I mean, they have comps that show higher prices thanyours”?

“It’s kind of confusing isn’t it? I mean, you interview four agents and you get four

different prices ... right”? (Yes, why is that?)

“You are probably thinking why did this person come in with such a low price?

Doesn’t he or she want to get our listing? Well, my answer is Yes and No.

“You see there is a very big difference in the way that I operate and the way that

most agents operate. Most agents manipulate the computer to show figures that

they think you want to hear. Why?

“Well, most agents don’t do much or get much business. Getting your listing

makes them feel like they are accomplishing something…

“Whereas, I, on the other hand, sell homes, non-stop, all day long. Do you want to

know why?” (Sure)

“I tell nice people like you, the truth. Did you know that only ___% of the homes

that are listed for sale actually sell?” (No, I didn’t know that)

“There’s a very simple reason, do you want to hear it?” (Yes)

“I have seen this marketing plan from many different agents….whatmakes yours different?”

I’d level shift…”You know what? You’re right! There are only a certain number

of things any agent can do to get a home sold and I think the final decision is not

based on what I do differently…

“I think the real issue is how you feel about the agent representing you…So tell

me, what qualities are you looking for in an agent?

Did you see how I shifted from “What do you do different”, to “What qualities are

you looking for?”

Top agent alternative:

“My results”!

“I have to keep my promise to the agent from which I originally boughtthe home.”

“That’s great, I can appreciate your loyalty and that is a quality that I respect in

people…so, I’m curious, let me ask you this…

“Has there ever been a time when you decided to buy something or do something

and a friend said, “Hey, no problem when you need help, I can do it” and in the

end, because you didn’t check around, you really didn’t get what you

wanted…Have you ever been there before?” (YES)

“Well, I think you might find that this time is just like that time, and with that in

mind, I’m sure you can see the importance of having me over to give you a second

opinion…that wouldn’t hurt anything, would it?”

“If I list my home with you and buy my next home from you, will you cut your commission?”

“You know, I can appreciate that, and I want to be up front with you and say NO, I

will not cut my commissions, and for one very simple reason”.

“As a professional my time has a certain value and I only work with people, like

you, that realize the value of my service….and before you say anything, think

about this…

“If an agent is willing to cut his or her commission, just like that, how well do you

think they will hold up when it comes to negotiating the best possible price for

your home?”

I want to demonstrate, up front, how tough I am going to be for you…Therefore,

cutting my commission is not an option…does that make sense?”