Kategorien: Alle - education - mindmapping - collaboration - uses

von Cathy Hills Vor 7 Jahren


Mind Mapping

Mind mapping is a versatile tool used for various purposes, from organizing information to enhancing educational experiences. It enables users to visually represent relationships between different concepts, improving comprehension and retention.

Mind Mapping

Organising Information

Section 2

Subsection 2.2
Subsection 2.1
Detail 2.1.2
Detail 2.1.1

Section 1

Detail 1.1.2
Detail 1.1.1

Exploring Ideas

Generate ideas

Tangents and Fugues
Clarity of thought
Interrelationships between concepts





Alcedinidae - A. cristata

Halcyonidae - H. coromanda

Cerlidae - C.rudis

Mind Mapping


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Invite other registered users


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History of Mind Mapping

Latterly 'popularised' by psychologist Tony Buzan
Leonardo da Vinci used mind maps for note-taking.
First traces of mind mapping go back as far as the 3rd century.

Choosing a Mind Map tool

Free Tools
iMindMap HD


Options for saving, printing, embedding?
Can you set tasks?
Can you collaborate?
Ease of sharing
Can you use colours and formatting to give further visual meaning?
Can you embed links and images?
Can you label relationships?
Can you make relationships?
Easy to use on mobile device?
Ease of use
Web-based, iOS and Android?

Theory and Efficacy

Mind maps: rubbish in theory, but handy in practice Philip Beadle The Guardian, 2006
Theory, definition and characteristics
Hussain and Hennessy (2002)


Mind Mapping vs Concept Mapping
Mind maps work around one central concept, whereas Concept maps use many more
A way to generate, visualise, structure and classify ideas
Graphical recording of thoughts and ideas related to a central keyword


More ......
'Idea grabber' widgets
Gather links, texts and images with browser add-ons
Map as a presentation tool
Create a presentation with your finished map
Outside the classroom

Set tasks on nodes

with dates for completion ....

Use to structure thoughts, arguments and essays

Revision aid

Start a mind map and ask students to collaborate outside the classroom

Start a map and invite students to create relationships between nodes

Ask students to create a map to show their understanding of a concept

Ideas for the classroom


Show the progression of an equation in Maths or chemical/bilogical equation/structure

Create timelines

Showing the structure of organisations or governments

Exploring complex concepts

Provoke ideas
Exploring concepts
Prioritising tasks and showing workflow
Note taking
Organise ideas
Problem solve
Graphical representation of complex ideas