Kategorien: Alle - sleep - breakfast

von Joe Stubbings Vor 11 Jahren


MPD Mind Map

Preparing for an interview involves several critical steps to ensure you present yourself as the best candidate. One week before the interview, familiarize yourself with the company'

MPD Mind Map

Interview Preperation.

In the Interview

Respond to the employers needs

Organizations hire employees to satisfy their own needs. That is why it is important to conduct background research. Through research you can learn about the employer's needs and then show the interviewer how you can satisfy those company needs.

Be Honest

You should always answer question honestly. If an interviewer discovers that you have misrepresented yourself by lying or exaggerating just one answer, then all of your other answers will be suspect.

Back up answers to questions with examples/evidence

By offering evidence to support your answers, you can confirm your strengths using objective facts.

Keep answers to question breif and to the point

Aim to keep your answers under two minutes. If an interviewer wants additional information, he/she will ask for more details.

1 Week Before

How Big is the company & Were else do they have offices?

Understand the scale of the company and what markets and economies they are exposed to.

Who owns the company? Public or Private?

Gain an understanding of it's legal structure, this may give you a few questions surrounding benifits, pensions and career development.

What's there business model?

Show an understanding of the business and it's structure during your interview by looking at the business model of the company.

What does the company do?

You need to know exactly who your opting to work for, so look into the company, become familier with who they are.

One the day

Ensure you have an up tp date CV

Always be prepared, look like youve been thinking about this interview for a while, print a fresh copy of your CV for the interviewer.

Have a good healthy breakfast

Making sure you have had a good meal before your interview will ensure you are focused, feeling good which will show to the interviewer.

Do some breif role play

Keep your self in the right mind set by continuing with role plays youve been working on during the lead up to the interview.

Have a good wash and shave

Presentation and first impressions mean alot, so ensure you are looking your best and fresh.

1 Day Before

Have a good night sleep

Being focued on the day is going to be aided by a good solid nights sleep.

Role Play

Paint a picture of the interview situation, the seating arrangements, questions youll be asked and will ask, then act them out with a friend or in the mirror to yourself.

Plan a main and alternate route to your interview

There is nothing quite as bad as turning up to an interview late, rushed and flustered so plan at least 2 routes to your destination in case you are held up.

Prepare your outfit

You must make sure you have the correct interview attire, so prepare. Have a clean shirt, tie and a fitted clean suit.

Prepare some questions

Show interest by preparing some questions of your own about the job in hand and the company itself.