Kategorien: Alle - fashion

von Jagoo Vibha Vor 3 Jahren


My independent reading log

A young reader shares reflections on various books, rating each one based on personal interest and relevance. The books range from fiction to non-fiction, covering topics like hamster care, craft ideas for Mother’

My independent reading log

My independent reading log

Paper sculpture

Rating: 5/5 stars because it has awesome crafts that you can make and decorate your room with and give as a gift.
Summary:This book has so many cool crafts and it uses materials that you may have around your house.
Non Fiction

Fashion Academy: Designer Drama

Rating 5/5 stars I would love to do all the same things that Mickey did.
Summary: This book is one of the best books I have read it is about Fashion designing and Paris fashion week I can relate to the book because that is my dream. Mikie is not sure if she can go to paris

memories of a hamster

Rating: 5/4 stars because it is great to see a life of a hamster.Instead of giving it 5/5 stars I gave it 4/5 stars because it shows improper hamster care that is dangerous for a hamster. I know this because i have experience with my pet hamster, Cinnamon. I was going to use wood shavings as bedding for Cinnamon but then when I did more research I found out that wood shavings can cause respiratory infections to a hamster.
Summary:This book is about a hamster that is in the cage and has the best life and always wonders about what is outside his cage.

The Costume Contest

Rating:5/5 stars this book has a few Spanish words so I did not know and at the end of the book it has a Spanish to English translation.
Summary:Carlos and Carmen are making plans to be in the costume contest. With a lot of creativity and fun, the twins come up with a prize-winning solution so the can both win.
Gerre: Fiction

Fashion designer

Rating 5\5 Stars because I love the book and it is very interesting because I would love to do all the same things
Summary: I would love to became a fashion designer one day and it has always been my dream to maybe it is yours also this book teaches you how to became and what you need to know about the fashion industry.
Gerre: Non Fiction


Rating: 5/4 stars because it did not have the definition for lots of words and something that I like about the book is it has the different time lines of Lego.
Summary:This book has lots to learn about Lego and how Lego was invented.

Bedroom Makeover

Rating 5/3 stars the book is nice and has lots of cool ideas but it dose not really interest me.
Summary: this book is nice and I like the ideas


rating 5/5 stars
summary: I read this book because i love pomarnians the pictures are very nice

Boredom Busters Critter Inn

Rating 5/4
Summary: This book was very fun and cool and I would love to try all the recipes and crafts in the book.
Gerre: Non fiction

Mother's and Father's Day Crafts

Rating 5\5 stars because all the crafts are so nice simple easy and beautiful.
Summary : I chose this book because it is going to be mothers day soon and I wanted to make a beutiful craft for my mom this book has many different craft and cool ideas
Gerre : Non fiction