Kategorien: Alle - rocks - water

von AVA CHARBONNEAU Vor 3 Jahren


My Terrarium's Abiotic and Biotic elements and how they work together:

In a terrarium, both biotic and abiotic elements interact to create a self-sustaining ecosystem. Biotic components like mushrooms, grass, moss, and clovers play crucial roles. Mushrooms oxidize over time, while grass roots interact with water and dirt to draw nutrients and moisture.

My Terrarium's Abiotic and Biotic elements and how they work together:

My Terrarium's Abiotic and Biotic elements and how they work together:


Moss (Bryophyta) works together along with water (Aqua) to keep moisture within the ecosystem and doesn't need that much to survive in an ecosystem. Unfortunately, my ecosystem is not healthy so it's not holding up well.
Grass (Poaceae)
Grass (Poaceae) is interacting with the water (Aqua) and dirt (Lutum) by letting the plant produce roots, while the dirt and water are providing nutrients, moisture and a habitat for this plant, along with the other abiotic or biotic items. This also can be said for moss (Bryophyta) and clovers (Trifolium).
Clovers (Trifolium)
Clovers (Trifolium) reacts with the dirt (Lutum) by growing roots and helping the plant grow by providing nutrients. Similar to the mushroom (Agaricus Bisporus) the clovers (Trifolium) are oxidizing and are changing colours (chemical change).
Mushroom (Agaricus Bisporus)
Mushrooms (Agaricus Bisprorus) interacts with the oxygen. During this experiment I have found that the mushroom has been oxidizing and shrivelling up inside of this mini ecosystem.


Rocks (Rocha)
Rocks (Rocha) Interact with the fabric/cloth to be a drainage system for the water (Aqua)
Dirt (Lutum)
Dirt (Lutum) works together with many parts in this small ecosystem such as water (Aqua) since it hydrates the biotic items, and the biotic items since the dirt/soil provides nutrients for them so they are able to grow.
Water (Aqua)
Water (Aqua) interacts with dirt (Lutum) to provide nutrients and moisture to our biotic items.
CO2 (Dioxide)
Carbon Dioxide (Dioxide) interacts with the biotics element in this ecosystem by how plants absorb oxygen and turn it into oxygen. (This only applys to producers).