von Chad Cook Vor 4 Jahren
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Add disposition codes
Add Aliases
Cluster numbers will increase with new closed incidents the next day.
when testing, take a screen shot at the time of regression testing and then 24 hours later check clusters map again to ensure increase in numbers is present
Validated on the New Orders Tab.
Validate count -> Send in Signal -> Validate Count
Open with no assigned incident
Open with assigned incident
Apply filter
Incident navigation
Self dispatch
Create a signal
Add a note
Upload images
Complete a form
Change incident status
Change workforce status
Nimbus: Support Custom (Non-Provider/Facility) Destination for Units
Nimbus CAD now supports the ability to indicate a unit’s Secondary Location as an ad-hoc verified address, rather than the previous limit to pre-defined Providers and Facilities. This feature increases the flexibility of Nimbus CAD in providing location details when units are still maintaining assignment to the original CAD Event location but may need to temporarily update their location to accommodate further investigation or a transport to a non-provider location. This increases situational awareness for dispatchers and responder safety in the field.
Automatically close open Nimbus signals that have no associated Incidents
CAD administrators want the Nimbus system to automatically close out any signals that haven't been turned into CAD incidents after a period of time, so that these open (unresolved) signals do not stack up in the system and potentially affect system performance.
This is especially a problem in pilot or early production sites where Nimbus is connected to CPE so that it receives live 9-1-1 calls, but nobody is using Nimbus at the time. Nimbus now provides an Administrative configuration that allows for configuration of the Signals timeout to be set at a tenant configurable threshold. The threshold for timeout is set in whole hours formatting and starts at a minimum of 1 hour with a maximum of 72 hours, depending on the PSAP’s preferences.
Filter by Available Assets
Group by location
Asset Grid - Change Primary
Asset Grid - Change vehicle status
By reference
By date
Group by priority
Incident Grid - Change vehicle status
Incident Grid - Change Primary
Support Subscriber Groups Notifications accounting for internal, external users and permission groups
Subscriber Notifications via SMS have been extended to allow easier selection of internal Nimbus Users and continued support of manual subscribers and external users. This provides an easier means of managing internal recipients and eliminates maintaining user SMS profiles in two different Admin screens
Support Subscriber Groups Notifications by Agency Response Area (Jurisdiction)
Nimbus now supports the ability to set notifications to occur only when a certain incident type occurs within an Agency’s jurisdictional boundary (response area). This important feature helps administrators to define recipient notifications to subscribers, only when an event occurs in their area/region. This functionality reduces confusing notifications across the platform and allows for alerting for the user’s agency operations and command. Administrators can define Subscriber Groups with or without the Agency filter now to allow increased flexibility. Changes in incident location or event Call-Type will also support triggering an SMS notification, based upon rules set above for ease of automation.
GIVEN that Dispatched logged in
WHEN go on CLI or enter // on any Incident screen
WHEN Command Line Interface screen is open
WHEN type “BOMB” and required parameters
THEN New Order page should display with Incident Type and
parameters entered
GIVEN that Dispatched logged in and Incident exists
WHEN go on CLI or enter // on any Incident screen
THEN Command Line Interface screen is open
THEN Incident's primary responder can be updated using PU CLI command
GIVEN that Dispatched logged in and Incident exists
WHEN go on CLI or enter // on any Incident screen
THEN Command Line Interface screen is open
THEN Incident's primary vehicle can be updated using PU CLI command
GIVEN that Dispatched logged in
WHEN go on CLI or enter // on any Incident screen
THEN Command Line Interface screen is open
THEN Incident's remark/ note can be added using N CLI command
GIVEN Dispatcher is logged in and on Live Activity/ Live Maps page
WHEN Legend icon is clicked, and Traffic checkbox is checked
THEN Life maps is showing the current traffic
GIVEN Dispatcher is logged in and on Live Activity/ Live Maps page
WHEN Legend icon is clicked, and Vehicles checkbox is checked
THEN Life maps is showing vehicles that are currently responding.
GIVEN Dispatcher is logged in
WHEN Incident details are saved, and vehicle and responders are assigned
THEN Life maps is showing the responder pin
GIVEN that Call Taker is logged in and Incident created via CPE call with a certain number exists
WHEN clicked on Call Taker/ Call Taker Form
WHEN phone number specified in precondition is entered and Search
button is clicked
THEN Existing Incidents drop down list is displayed and showing Incidents associated with the phone number
GIVEN that Call Taker is logged in
WHEN clicked on CREATE INCIDENT from Call Taker modal
WHEN data is entered in required fields
THEN new incident is created manually
Add a case to the incident
Add an additional Agency
GIVEN an incident is open and Vehicle x is submitting location information
WHEN assigning Vehicle X to the incident
THEN the approximate ETA of that vehicle must be displayed (see image ETA)
GIVEN an incident is closed
WHEN re-activating the incident
THEN the incident will be re-opened
GIVEN an incident is open
WHEN the incident is closed
THEN the user will be presented with an option to CLEAR assigned units or to CLOSE the incident
Close Button change to Re-activate Button
View Report
Close Incident
Clear Units
GIVEN a call taker is logged on
WHEN a CPE signal is sent to a position that does NOT have the Call Taker Form open, and the contact number does not belong to an open incident
THEN the signals counter will be incremented (see image Signal A)
and the signal will appear in Settings - Signals (see image Signal B)
Signals appears on Signal Admin Page
GIVEN that I have Administration permission that I navigate to .../System/Signals
WHEN navigate to .../System/Signal and view the signals on the grid
THEN I should see the timestamp (date & time) the signal came in under Created Time
Signal banner counter incremented and dropdown populated