Kategorien: Alle - literacy - collaboration - integration - media

von Sue Harmon-King Vor 13 Jahren


Parcipatory Culture

Schools must equip students with skills to work collaboratively and solve problems together, emphasizing teamwork and the importance of respecting diverse perspectives. By fostering these abilities, students can tackle larger and more complex issues than they could alone.

Parcipatory Culture

Schools need to train students to become collaborative problem solvers.

AASL Standards

3.2.3 Demonstrate

teamwork by working

productively with


3.3.1 Solicit and respect

diverse perspectives

while searching

for information,


with others, and

participating as

a member of the


By becoming collective problem solvers problems of greater scale can be tackled than by single individuals

AASL Standards

3.3.3 Use knowledge and

information skills

and dispositions

to engage in public

conversation and

debate around issues

of common concern.

3.3.4 Create products that

apply to authentic,

real-world contexts.

3.3.5 Contribute to the

exchange of ideas

within and beyond the

learning community.

Bridges the gap socially, politically, economically between the online world and the real world experiences.

AASL Standards

2.3.1 Connect

understanding to

the real world.

Integration of media education has been hapazard and needs to be better integrated into the education system

Ways to improve media literacy outside the classroom
Parent involvement
After school programs

Challenges of a Participatory Culture

Core Literacy Skills

Students are able to search for and apply information to create new ideas.

AASL Standards

4.2.1 Display curiosity by

pursuing interests

through multiple


1.1.7 Make sense of

information gathered

from diverse sources

by identifying


main and supporting

ideas, confl icting

information, and point

of view or bias.

2.1.1 Continue an inquiry-

based research process

by applying critical-

thinking skills (analysis,

synthesis, evaluation,

organization) to

information and

knowledge in order

to construct new

understandings, draw

conclusions, and create

new knowledge.

The abiility to synthesize information from a a varied or media platforms.

AASL Standards

1.1.8 Demonstrate mastery

of technology tools for

accessing information

and pursuing inquiry.

Judgement or the ability to evaluate the credibility of information sources.

AASL Standards

1.1.5 Evaluate information

found in selected

sources on the basis

of accuracy, validity,

appropriateness for

needs, importance,

and social and

cultural context.

1.1.7 Make sense of

information gathered

from diverse sources

by identifying


main and supporting

ideas, confl icting

information, and point

of view or bias.

1.2.2 Demonstrate

confi dence and self-

direction by making

independent choices

in the selection

of resources and


Students must learn how to "read" one source of information against another.
Collective intelligence or the ability to work with others for a common goal.

AASL Standards

2.1.5 Collaborate with

others to exchange

ideas, develop new

understandings, make

decisions, and solve


3.1.2 Participate and

collaborate as

members of a social

and intellectual

network of


3.2.2 Show social

responsibility by

participating actively

with others in learning

situations and by

contributing questions

and ideas during

group discussions.

3.2.3 Demonstrate

teamwork by working

productively with


The ability to multi-task or to recognize the important details over many informational environments.

1.1.5 Evaluate information

found in selected

sources on the basis

of accuracy, validity,

appropriateness for

needs, importance,

and social and

cultural context.

1.1.6 Read, view, and

listen for information

presented in any

format (e.g., textual,

visual, media, digital)

in order to make

inferences and

gather meaning

Performance or the ability to adopt an alternative identity for the purpose of discovery.

AASL Standard

4.3.4 Practice safe and ethical behaviors in personal electronic communication and interaction.

4.2.1 Display curiosity by pursuing interests through multiple resources.

Demonstrate distributed cognition skills or the ability to interact with tools that expand our mental capacities.

AASL Standards

1.1.8 Demonstrate the mastery of technology tools for accessing information and pursuing inquiry.

includes the ability to utilize social institutions, and practices or experts who may be helpful in problem solving

AASL Standards

4.1.7 Use social networks and information tools to gather and share information.

Appropriation or the ability to meaningfully sample and remix media content

AASL Standards

2.1.6 Use the writing process, media and visual literacy, and technology skills to create products that express new understandings.

using simulation to interpret and construct models of real work processes.

AASL Standards

2.1.4 Use techology and other information tools to analyze and organize information.

1.1.8 Demonstrate mastery of technology tools for accessing information and pursuing inquiry.

Games offer a way to learn through direct experience which can be translated to real world learning.
Using play and experimentation as a type of problem solving

AASL Standards:

1.2.5 Demonstrate adaptability by changing the inquiry focus, questions, resources, or strategies when necessary to achieve success.

1.3.4 Contribute to the exchange of ideas within the learning community.

4.1.4 Seek information for personal learning in a variety of formats and genres

Students engaged in play as a learning environment are more motived because the outcome matters more to that individual

Participation Gap

Students who are not media savvy in turn struggle to keep up

AASL Standards

1.4.4 Seek appropriate help

when it is needed.

Students who are media savvy are often unable to use their best learning techniques in an effort to provide a level playing field in the classroom

AASL Standards

1.1.1 Follow an inquiry-

based process in

seeking knowledge in

curricular subjects,

and make the real-

world connection for

using this process in

own life.

1.1.2 Use prior and

background knowledge

as context for new


it's not enough for children to have technology, but also be able to utilize the extent of that technology to its fullest.

AASL Standards

1.1.8 Demonstrate mastery

of technology tools for

accessing information

and pursuing inquiry

1.2.3 Demonstrate creativity

by using multiple

resources and formats

Unequal access to opportunitites that will prepare children for the world at large

AASL Standards

1.1.8 Demonstrate mastery

of technology tools for

accessing information

and pursuing inquiry


Students are adept at using media, but are limited in ability to examine the media they are using.

AASL STandards

1.1.7 Make sense of

information gathered

from diverse sources

by identifying


main and supporting

ideas, confl icting

information, and point

of view or bias.

Determining the value and quality of information is more challenging

site format can affect how much credibility is attached to a website

AASL Standards

1.2.2 Demonstrate

confi dence and self-

direction by making

independent choices

in the selection

of resources and


1.2.4 Maintain a critical

stance by questioning

the validity and

accuracy of all


students have no way of determining, hyowever what is amateur and what is professional.

AASL Standards

1.2.4 Maintain a critical

stance by questioning

the validity and

accuracy of all


students may believe all information is authentic

AASL Standards

1.2.4 Maintain a critical

stance by questioning

the validity and

accuracy of all


Lack of guidance or supervision in new media, lack of ethical oversight, unwritten norms exist about acceptable behaviors.

AASL Standards

1.3.3 Follow ethical and legal

guidelines in gathering

and using information

1.3.5 Use information

technology responsibly

Afffinity Spaces

Involvement in affinity spaces bridges the gap between consumers of media and producers of media as everyone has a stake the culture that is created

AASL Standards

1.2.3 Demonstrate creativity

by using multiple

resources and formats.

1.1.9 Collaborate with others

to broaden and deepen


57% of teens who use the internet are creators of media

AASL Standards

2.1.6 Use the writing

process, media and

visual literacy, and

technology skills

to create products

that express new


Students are more engaged in the cultural economy and the intellectual property rights of others when the create their own media.

AASL Standards

3.3.7 Respect the principles

of intellectual freedom

1.3.1 Respect copyright/

intellectual property

rights of creators

and producers.

opportunity for learning through common endeavors

Community learning experiences

Circulations such as blogging, podcasting of producing vidoes.

4.1.8 Use creative and artistic formats to express personal learning

Collaborative problem solving such as contributions to wikis or through AR gaming

AASL Standards

1.1.9 Collaborate with others to broaden and deepen understanding.

Expressions such as digital sampling, zines, mashups
Affilliations such as social media, gaming and forums

AASL Standards

1.1.9 Collaborate with others to broaden and deepen understanding.

3.1.2 Participate and collaborate as members of a ocial and intellectual network of learners.

What is a participatory culture?

Shapes the flow of media

AASL Standards

4.1.8 Use creative and artistic formats to express personal learning

Collaboration in problem solving.

AASL Standards

3.1.2 Participate and

collaborate as

members of a social

and intellectual

network of


3.2.2 Show social

responsibility by

participating actively

with others in learning

situations and by

contributing questions

and ideas during

group discussions.

3.2.3 Demonstrate

teamwork by working

productively with


3.3.5 Contribute to the

exchange of ideas

within and beyond the

learning community.

produces new creative forms

AASL Standards

4.1.8 Use creative and

artistic formats to

express personal


a culture in which there are formal and informal memberships and afffliations

AASL Standards

3.1.2 Participate and

collaborate as

members of a social

and intellectual

network of


Provides for creative expression and active participation.

AASL Standards

1.3.4 Contribute to the

exchange of ideas

within the learning


1.4.2 Use interaction

with and feedback

from teachers and

peers to guide own

inquiry process.

3.2.2 Show social

responsibility by

participating actively

with others in learning

situations and by

contributing questions

and ideas during

group discussions.

3.2.3 Demonstrate

teamwork by working

productively with


Shift of literacy from an isolated personal experience to a community experience.

AASL Standards

1.1.9 Collaborate with others

to broaden and deepen


1.3.4 Contribute to the

exchange of ideas

within the learning


3.1.2 Participate and

collaborate as

members of a social

and intellectual

network of


3.2.1 Demonstrate

leadership and

confi dence by

presenting ideas

to others in both

formal and informal


3.2.2 Show social

responsibility by

participating actively

with others in learning

situations and by

contributing questions

and ideas during

group discussions.

3.2.3 Demonstrate

teamwork by working

productively with
