Kategorien: Alle - plural - gender - pronouns - verbs

von José Iriarte Vor 9 Jahren


Personal pronouns

The text explains the usage of personal pronouns in different grammatical persons and distinguishes between singular and plural forms. It highlights how in English, "you" can refer to both singular and plural second-person pronouns, with "

Personal pronouns

They are my brothers.

They are my sisters.

You guys need to study more.

You need to study more.

We have a big dog.

I like big dogs.

Pronombres personales

Tercera persona singular

Si el verbo termina en -s se le agrega una -es
She (dress) dresses very nicely
Se les agrega una -s al final de los verbos
She walks very fast
Indefinido It (eso)
Se usa con animales y cosas
Masculino He (el)
Femenino She (ella)

Tercera persona plural

They (ellos/ellas)
Se usa para masculino y femenino

Segunda persona

Plural You (ustedes)
Para distinguir que se habla en plural se agrega guys

You guys

Singular You (tu)

Primera persona

I (yo)
Plural We (nosotros)