Kategorien: Alle - assassination - communism - legislation

von Jena Parker Vor 9 Monaten


Political Powers at Play 1945-1980

During the mid-20th century, significant political and social changes shaped the United States. President John F. Kennedy's administration was marked by key events such as the Bay of Pigs invasion, the establishment of the Peace Corps, and the desegregation of the University of Mississippi.

Political Powers at Play  1945-1980

Political Powers at Play 1945-1980

President Dwight D Einshower

Before Presidency
His involvement in the war
what he promised America
how he campaigned
Early Life
Growing up

President John F Kennedy

How it changed the way presidents are protected
Events leading up to
Major Events
The desegregation of The University of Mississippi
Bay of Pigs
Peace Corps
Length of Presidency
Famous Sppech
Before being elected

The Great Society of the 1960s

President LBJ
200+ Laws
Voting Rights Act
Civil Rights Act
Improve Environment
Consumer Product Safety Commission
Child Safety Act
National Protections for Wildlife & Rivers
Water Quality Act 1965
Abolish Inequality
Civil Rights
Medicare & Medicaid
College Financial Aid
Investment in Education
War on Poverty
Head Start
National Work Study Program
Immigration Laws
Food Stamps

Red Scare of the 1950s

Conservative Politics
Relations with China
National Defense
Truman Doctrine
Senator McCarthy
Celebrity Blacklist
Infiltrate US Government
Public Safety
Threat to Society
Cold War
Soviet Spies