Kategorien: Alle - education - safety - geography - covid-19

von Sumera Malik Vor 3 Jahren


Provincial ECEC Systems

The document outlines various provincial responses to COVID-19, particularly focusing on measures adopted by British Columbia, Ontario, and Quebec in the context of child care and education.

Provincial ECEC Systems

Provincial ECEC Systems

Keywords: countries, states, geography, cities, capital city, climate, physiographic divisions

Write the name of the country/state/county you are going to analyze. Then add a representative image.


Think about this general facts about Provincial ECEC Systems.


Supported Child Development Program to assist families of children with special needs to access child care

Program provides resources and training programs for child care staff and parents.

MFamille provides a range of supports to encourage the integration of children with special needs to subsidized child care centres.

Supplement for children with disabilities requiring exceptional care

Allowance for a child with a disability eligible for the transitional measure

Exceptional assistance measure

Allowance for integrating a child with a disability into a child care service

Special Needs Supports in Child Care

CMSMs are required to spend a minimum of 4.1% of their total child care allocation on special needs resourcing.

Special Needs Supports in Kindergarten

School boards must develop IEP's for every student identified with a special need from JK-12.


Various programs aim to reduce child care costs for families using regulated child care

Child Care Fee Reduction Initiative

Special Needs Supplement

Affordable Child Care Benefit

Other ways to promote affordability for child care services

Reimbursement of child care expenses

Student financial assistance

Child care expense refund

Tax measures

Abolition of the addition contributions in subsidized child care

Approx. parent contribution per day for child care after being subsidized in 2020 is $8.25

Subsidy and financial assistance to their citizens

Median Child Care feed as of 2019 per day

$22/day for School Age

$66/day for Infants

18% of toddler and preschool children receive full subsidy.

Number of Children Attending Kindergarten

98% of children attend 5-year old Kindergarten

9, 114 children attending 4-year old Kindergarten

129, 159 children attending 4-year old Kindergarten

Child Population (0-5)

275, 751

This makes up 5.4% of British Columbia's population.

525, 750

This makes up 6.2% of Quebec's population.

887, 614

This makes up 6% of Ontario's population.


What is the population of Provincial ECEC Systems?

Local Service Delivery

Licenced Child Care

Independent providers licensed by 5 Regional Health Authorities

Kindergarden and StrongStart BC Early Learning Programs

60 school districts including the Conseil scolair francophone, plus independent schools

Educational Child Care Services (ECS) and 161 home child care coordinating offices

School Boards

8 French Catholic School Boards

4 French Public School Boards

29 English Catholic School Boards

31 English Public School Boards

First Nations establish, administer, operate, and fund chid care and early years programs

47 Consolidated Municipal Service Managers and District Social Services

manage child care and related early years services


First Nations Education Act 2007 (current to June 17, 2020)

Teachers Act 2011 (current to June 17, 2020)

School Act 1996 (current to June 17,2020)

Child Care Subsidy Act (current to June 17,2020)


Community Care and Assisted Living Act

Child Care BC Act (current to June 17,2020)

Educational Child Care Act (amended 2017)

Early Childhood Educators Act (2020)

Education Act (amended 2020)

Child Care and Early Years Act (2014)

Lead Ministry

The number of people living in Provincial ECEC Systems

Ministry of Health

Ministry of Children and Family Development/The Minister of State for Child Care

Ministère de la Famille (MFamille)

Ministry of Education


Physiographic regions of the world are a way of defining Earth's landforms into distinct regions.

What are the Physiographic regions of Provincial ECEC Systems?


As of 2019: $41, 848

As of 2019: $81, 663

$25.15 an hour

Teachers at a primary and preschool level make around $37.93 an hour.

As of May 1st, 2019: $43, 243


As of May 1st, 2019: $93, 151

Education Qualifications

500 hours of additional work experience


Basic ECE Education Program + 920 Hours

Minimum 4 year post-secondary program + acceptable Teachers College Program

Basic: Diploma of College Studies (DCS) in ECE or equivalent

Must be recognized by the MFamille

Bachelors degree in preschool education and primary school education (4 year program) + 700 hours of practicum

Early Childhood Educators

Registered with the College of ECE upon graduation

Diploma in ECE from an Ontario College of Applied Arts and Technology

Kindergarten Teachers

Catholic School Boards often require proof of religious practice

French School Boards require language proficiency

Bachelors degree or undergraduate degree + two years of Teachers College Education

Ratios (Staff:Child)

School Age - 1:12

Preschool - 1:10

30 Months to School Age - 1:8

0 to 36 Months - 1:4

Children 4-5 - 1:10

Children 18m-4 years - 1:8

Infants - 1:5

Junior School Age - 1:20

Primary/Junior School Age - 1:15

Kindergarten - 1:13

Preschool - 1:8

Toddler - 1:5

Infant - 3:10

Social Context

What is the continent where Provincial ECEC Systems is located?

COVID-19 Responses

Online and homeschooling programs available to students

employers to be as flexible as possible in supporting their staff with individual concerns related to COVID-19

Ministry of Health provided public health guidance for child care and school settings

Starting November 15th, 2021, wearing masks in the classroom will no longer be mandatory.

Vaccine passports required for children in secondary school who want to join extra curriculars

Always trying to maintain physical distancing

No parents or visitors allowed inside child care and school buildings

Staff must wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Latex Gloves


Medical Face Masks and Face Shields

Child care centres closed during lock down and reopened when restrictions were lifted.

Once a centre is open, they must follow public health and safety measures.

Child Poverty Rates

In 2020, the child poverty rate in BC was 18.5%

In 2020, the child poverty rate in Quebec was 15.2%

As of 2020, the child poverty rate for children under 6-years old is 20.2%

Education Programs

Ready, Set, Learn

Strongstart BC

Full Day Kindergarden

School-based child care services


Parenting skills support program for children and their parents living in disadvantaged communities.

Kindergarten for 5-year olds

Kindergarten for 4-year olds

Before and After School Care

Full Day Kindergarten


Add geographical features of Provincial ECEC Systems. They can be related to the length of the rivers, the height of the mountains, what are the neighbours etc.

Total ECEC Spending & Percentage from Provincial Budget

$1, 099, 092, 149

2% of the Provincial Budget

$4, 561, 738, 379

3.95% of the Provincial Budget

$6, 268, 232, 949

2.8% of the Provincial Budget

Total Cost for Regulated Child Care

$679, 563, 111

$3, 610, 753, 100

$2, 009, 753, 832

Childcare Fee Subsidy

Add a geographical feature. It can be related to the length of the rivers, the height of the mountains, what are the neighbours etc.

British Columbia

$97, 110, 100 (Childcare Fee Reduction Initiative)


$2, 610, 753, 100 (Funded by the MFamille)


$880, 435, 048