Kategorien: Alle - processes - guidance - management - location

von Sean Rhodes Vor 6 Jahren



Effective management systems are crucial for ensuring quality in various sectors, including construction. Key areas requiring attention include procurement, commercial, environmental management, and information systems.


SMB Management Systems that should be subject to Quality Management & Audit. Site Manager/IPL and PM are sample comments from the construction team respondents.

Information Management Systems


Parent Company


P6 Planning
Parent Company Intranet
Open Access
Project Wise

Enviromental Waste Transfer Notes (Skanska UK)

Site Files data loaded on to Active SHE
Environmental Report / Environmental Audit / active SHE
subcontractor Aproach Document

Construction & Commissioning ITPs (Site and Commissioning Teams)

MWH ITP in place But uncontrolled and not stored in a central location
No Guidence in place
NO Process in place for the Compilation and Acceptance of ITPs

Site Manager 2

New Starters Not Getting Adequate Training in SMB Process and Procedures
Active SHE / BIM 360 / Twexnet/ Symbiosis
Forms Need to looked at against GBMs Form and take the best from both Systems, and Stream Line Forms and Communicate any Changes to forms, Updates need to be Sent to people and changed every quarter if needed, Emergency revision as Required.
Need Additional Training, on Guidance and showing people were its located on Open Access, need to show people what the procedures mean and how they work and then reference open access, (REALLY IMPORTANT FOR NEW STARTS )
No Process in Place, Using Own Experience to do day to job . And no training in the process, Roles and responsibilities should be defined and Training in what is expected, need a well defined archiving Procedure, with what we need keep at the end of the project, Safety Department Leading them self's new safety initiatives need to be reviewed to suit SMB Procedures before being rolled out

Site Manager 1

Send to Doc Control and Add to Twexnet
There are a lot of Check lists but there Very Generic and no suited for all sites
Guidance forms on Active SHE
Chris Lee Has Made a Site managers Check list to Carry out his Roles and Responsibility's as nothing is Documented, When Setting up a Site Chris Uses own Experience and using site set up checklist. NO Site Hand Over Procedure to site manager, Somebody to issue out changes to any rules or Regulations that have changed So we are not operating out SMB rules. Drawing Register to be More Visible to SMB Site Teams

PM 1

Twexnet / Symbiosis / Rag
Yes Training needed on the use of forms and workshops.
Yes guidance notes need to be improved, Training workshops needed Training with project teams.
No, people have followed what they have done before and good customer practice, Processes not Clearly defined. Documentation and Communication not disseminated.


Symbiosis / IFS
No Forms used
yes on symbiosis


Yes forms keep changing a lot of Duplication of information
Yes not streamlined and documentation communication, if the process has changed no formal communication down to the project teams
Yes Not Streamlined and Has Not Been Adequately Disseminated, No Comprehensive Formal Instruction on the Use of Comprehensive Business processes


Yes Forms on Twexnet
Yes Process in Place - Navigator



YES forms keep changing a lot of Duplication of information, need to be kept up to date and simpler and easier to use
YES Documentation Keeps Changing and Being Re Revised no Clear Communication
Yes Subject to change (Process has changed in the last 5 years) No Formal Process


Symbiosis / Twexnet
Yes Magic 6
Yes Level 4
Yes Pre Construction Gov Process


IFS / Symbiosis / Twexnet
Yes Forms in place but not stored on Twexnet
Yes giudence Notes Avalible but not Stored on Navigator
Yes Process in place


Active She / Open Access / Twexnet
Yes on Active She / Open Access
Yes Guidence on Active She / Open Access
Yes Process in Place Using Active She / Open Access


Twexnet / Symbiosis/ARM/Cemar/PIM
Yes But To bulky and a lot of information in the works order
Yes But not used at this level
Yes But only used for Gateways and to ensure right governance


Project Wise/ Twexnet/ Stantec Global Share Point/ Symbiosis
Yes Located on Twexnet
Presentations and Navigator / Power point presentation
Eight2O Navigator No Official Process

Defects Pre and Post TOC

BIM 360 Field


ARM/Cemar/ Twexnet/Symbiosis/IFS
Ian mason was working with Nick to populate Commercial Handbook
Yes Guidence in place
Yes SMB Level / Eight2O Level