Kategorien: Alle - strategies - culture - confidence - translation

von Purvi Shah Vor 5 Jahren


Reasons to include Dual Language Texts in Classroom

Incorporating dual-language texts in classrooms brings numerous advantages for English Language Learners (ELLs), such as increasing their self-esteem and making them feel valued and welcomed.

Reasons to include Dual Language Texts in Classroom

Reasons to include Dual Language Texts in Classroom

Various Dual Language Strategies

Referencing to Dual Language Projects by Elizabeth Coelho: We can try creating informational Posters in multiple languages, like creating a Poster for Health and Nutrition, we can reference common Food items like 'Bread' in multiple languages. Needless to say everybody eats Bread irrespective of their primary language or origin.
collaborative maps

playback feature shows each student's contribution

Creating a structured comparison of Numbers in their L1 and English. This will help ELLs to easily relate the numbers and help them build self confidence.
give students feedback
Give ELLs the freedom to express thoughts in their first language. They can even use Graphic Organizer for this purpose.
Option for ELLs to have Dual Language books. This not only helps them learn easily but will also help them to improve English, since they could easily relate to the stuff present in the book.
Ask ELLs to write their assignments in their first language and then work on translating it into English with help of their classmates.
give instructions
students will have to build mind maps

How we (Teachers) support parents with understanding the importance of a bilingual/multilingual student

Referring to one of the strategy I suggested earlier to promote Dual Language, students can be asked to work in L1 and then translate it into English, this will let parents to contribute more towards their childrens' education.
We live in the era of Technology. With this progress technology has made, it is very easy to communicate with people around the globe even if they don't speak a common language. Use of Translators is the key to it. We can use these translators to communicate better with Parents, which will make them feel welcomed.
As mentioned in the Webcast Dual Language Projects, we should arrange casual meets with parents and ask students to take the stage and showcase their creations like Poems or Stories or essays, etc.

Various Benefits for ELLs

Feel Important
Feel Welcomed
Experience their Culture, which makes them feel that they belong in the school
Increase Confidence
Increase Self Esteem
short sentences
short words


information branches out from center to sides

growing, organized structure with key concepts and key images