Kategorien: Alle - nostalgia - horror - independent - athletic

von rudy barmada Vor 1 Jahr


Rudy Barmada

The individual describes himself as an active and athletic 17-year-old male from the UAE who enjoys sports and maintains a strong work ethic. He is task-oriented and values independence, although he is open to meeting new people.

Rudy Barmada

I think this is definitely the archetype that I identify with most because it's about power, positivity and hope and all those traits describe me perfectly as a person. I'm always smiling and laughing even in the worst situations when it seems to be over, I always use the magic of positivity and tell myself that tomorrow will be better, I will improve tomorrow!

I think the media messages indirectly connect with this archetype because you can tell my messages spread out powerful words of motivation and growth everyday with the power of nothing is impossible. Although I truly believe I'm closer to "THE MAGICIAN" archetype, my media messages seem to lean more towards ''THE RULER" archetype because they seem to come off bossy, too independent and coming off innovative and ready to take control.


External values: I feel like people may get the wrong image about me and my values after reading my media messages and that could mainly be because not all my messages are stated clearly. I may come off as aggressive or toxic because of the extreme power I put in those messages but in reality, it's me being passionate and trying to motivate myself and others to put themselves first before others and to put their goals first before their social life. I'm all about meeting new people and having fun but a heavy social life that isn't organized well will shove you off track from the journey you need to be on.

Internal values: Everyone knows I'm a positive person, but nobody knows how hard working and goal-focused I am, most people usually never take me seriously when it comes to the "serious side" of life and that's because what I usually show to others is my goofy, silly, funny, happy personality that makes me look like I'm an idiot that doesn't know the serious sides of life and never works hard, but in reality I just don't like showing others my serious, hard-working, passionate, killer side of me and that's why I like working in silence and like to keep those goals and beliefs within my inner self. whenever something serious in life happens, people look at me smiling on the outside thinking i'm goofy and happy but in reality I'd be hurting inside. What I show to others is positivity, happiness, kindness, and goofy energy. All those messages, beliefs, values and my seriousness are what I keep within me in silence.


Youtube is the space for me to portray who I am and post content. My brain creates, My heart works hard.

I express myself through the beauty of fitness & movement. I'm nice on the outside when you see me, Killer on the inside when you compete with me
I have different styles for different places and different timings. to school I dress comfy, you're not important so I dress comfy, In my own space I dress comfy because that's who i am within myself but when you're special I dress like a magician.

I'm only on Instagram to live, learn, fail, get back up and improve. I'm not with the whole texting drama. You bark with passion, I move with passion

WHAT DO THESE MESSAGES MEAN TO ME? These messages mean positivity and hard work. They show that i'm a very goal-focused person with big dreams that out number the social life that I have on the side. i'm very independent and like to do things without distractions. I'm the king of positivity, when I fall all I do is get back up even stronger.



This Ad is clearly intended for african-american individuals and the ad is mostly appealing to them because they're showing an African-American who is feared by all these children's mothers that he tried getting their balloons for multiple times and were portraying him sleeping on brown toothpaste trying to send the message that "white may look more appealing than black but don't judge by the looks because they're both the same quality" and that's racist to the coloured community. They thought they were sending a message but all they did was prove that they think white is more appealing than black.
This Ad is known as the "Twin Lotus Tooth Paste" Ad and it is the most obviously offensive Ad I have seen in my entire life. It's offensive because it's portraying a man of colour who climbed a pole to get a little girl's balloon that was stuck up there and then as soon as he gets her balloon, her mother takes her kid and runs away then the ad continues to show the upset man of colour laying down on a toothbrush with brown toothpaste with a quote that says "appearance is deceiving" The Ad is clearly trying to tell us that white toothpaste looks better than brown toothpaste but we shouldn't "judge how it looks" and they did that by bringing a black individual into it and got race involved.
"are my values being left out?" I would say everyone's values should be left out because these are human values and as a Muslim who has been through racism before and got called terms like "terrorist" and "Isis" this Ad hits a spot in my heart and makes my values feel left out as a past victim of racism and discrimination. Black is beautiful!

Product advertisements coming from my favorite athletes/influencers always excite me to get their products especially if it's their own signature created product with their own specific branding. I feel like these sneaker Ads are always made for young people like me who are getting deeper into the sport. When I was a kid, Lebron James was the first basketball player that I watched and inspired me to work hard and start playing this sport, so when the Ad for the lebron 12s came out, I instantly went to the store to get these shoes and play basketball in them as I really liked how they looked and because the shoes related to basketball, the sport I love most.

DEMOGRAPHICS: - Age: 17 - Gender: Male - Nationality: UAE - Religion: Muslim

Marketers: - If Marketers were to sell a "feeling" to me, they're gonna have to try and sell me with comfortability, and positivity with genuine intentions. - The best way to represent and target an Advertisement to me is through the influencers I'm inspired by on Youtube. I watch a lot of Youtube videos and that's why whenever my favorite youtubers are sponsored by a specific brand or product, It can drive me and excite me to go buy that product especially if it relates to fashion, basketball or other sports I love.

Based on my Psychographic profile, I'm a very athletic person who loves to stay active and play sports. I'm a very independent person that is more task-oriented than relationship-oriented just because of the work ethic I have towards my goals. My circle is small, but I'll always be up to meeting new people. WE OUTSIDE!

PSYCHOGRAPHICS: - Basketball is life - Weightlifting - Boxing - Summer weather - Favorite cuisine: Mexican

psychographics & Demographics

Rudy Barmada

Media influences in my life

National basketball association

Learning Basketball

Gear & Products

What is the Narrative of this text? How does it tell a Story?

The NBA is one of the most entertaining sport leagues to watch with all the competitiveness, drama, rivalry and physicality it brings. I got into basketball in 2015 after watching my first NBA game ever with my friends, It was the 2015 NBA finals and I really enjoyed the Cavaliers and Warriors rivalry back then so I got interested in the sport and fell in love with it. With my favorite player being Lebron James, I started buying a bunch of his LBJ basketball sneakers and wearing them to all of my basketball games. NBA players always advertising these Nike's and Jordan's is what gets so many people to buy these sneakers even when they're ugly looking.

The NBA was formed in 1949 after the two rivals, The BAA, and the NBL came together after 3-years of rivalry and formed one huge league now known as the NBA. Neither the BAA nor the NBL were popular, so it just goes to show that sometimes teaming up and doing stuff together instead of battling each other and doing things on your own can go a really long way. The NBA has many players that went from rags to riches, Players that got disowned by family, players that grew up on the streets.

communicating with people

Posting photos

watching videos

who is the target audience for this text and why would this audience be targeted?

my introduction to social media started off with Instagram when my cousin told me to download it 5 years ago. I actually really enjoyed instagram years ago because the media felt friendlier and a lot less toxic. I used to just take pictures and post my daily life without having to worry about what others think or who sees it and comments on them, now it's just a toxic place with toxic videos online. Now it's just a place for me to text others when I'm bored

I feel like the target audience for instagram is definitely teenagers because teens love all the drama, gossip and attention and that's what instagram is all about. If You scroll through instagram and check out a post about something controversial, you will notice that everyone in the comments are a bunch of toxic teenagers arguing with each other. Adults are more likely to connect on more casual apps like messenger and whatsapp with no childish drama and celebrity issues with propaganda that teenagers seem to always engage with.