Kategorien: Alle - protests - slavery - discrimination - segregation

von chapotat thomas Vor 8 Jahren


Segregation on USA

Throughout American history, the struggle for civil rights has been marked by significant events and key figures striving to end racial discrimination and segregation. The abolition of slavery with the 13th Amendment marked an early milestone, but segregation remained entrenched, upheld by the 1896 Supreme Court ruling.

Segregation on USA


Barack Obama becomes the first African American to be elected president . He was elected for two mandate.

Bob Dylan

He was born on 1941he was a singer , songwriter he is a famous singer of rock .
He was a pacifist

Blacks Panthers

It was a party created by Huey P.Newton and Bobby Seale on 1966 and disappeared on 1982.
It was a violent party

Malcom X

He was born on 1925 and he was died on 1965.He was a muslim pastor.
He was violent

Martin Luther King

He was born on 1929 and he was died on 1968. He was a pastor .
He was pacifist

Rosa Parks

She was born on1913 and she was died on 2005. she was a dressmaker.
She was a pacifist

Emblematic Figure


American Cvil War

The war between the north and the south , the north was against the slavery


US supreme cout ruled that the segregation was constitutional. Segregation was legal.

End of slavery

13th amendement abolishing slavery, added to the constitution .



Jesse Jackson is the first black candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination.


During the olympics game on 1968, two black american athletes won the first and the third places on the final of 200m . During the celebration of the victory , they fist are denchend and up and looking at the ground .

Martin Luther King was shoot on his hotel .


Voting Rights Act


Congress passes Civil Rights Act declaring discrimination based on race illegal .


Martin Luther King delivers her speech "I have a dream " at the "March on Washington" to hundred of thousands of participants .


The supreme Court rules that the segregation of all transportation facilities is unconstitutional.


Nine black students are blocked from attendingLittle Rock High School in Arkensas .


A bomb explosed in the house of Martin Luther King . So he decied to continuate the Boycott of Montgomery Bus


Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white man on Montgomery bus .
So they was a boycott of Montgomery bus.


School segregation is unconstitutional so blacks students can go to all school.